
We don't fall in love we fall in a hole!

Love is a choice. Each everyday i choose to love my wife. In light of this I have come to realize that I must make the decision to rise above the junk that is around me. I must make my wife a priority in my life. I must do this because God had called me to do this. I must do this because I have chosen to love my beautiful.

I made this choice of my own free will and as such i have responsibilities to uphold. I must do everything I can to ensure that my Angie is everything that God has deigned her to be. In making the choicer to get married I promised God and Angie that I would think of her before myself and in so doing help lead her in to a deeper relationship with her precious Savior.

I know I will continue to make mistakes but with God's grace and Angie's love I know I can do more than I can imagine. I also know that as a couple we can accomplish amazing things.

In the end I know my future is so bright I gotta wear shades!


Our circumstances don’t define God and when we, as believers allow the circumstances of our lives to determine who God then we are presenting to the world a God who is not unlike the idols found through out the Bible. When we determine who God is and how He functions in this world then we are arrogantly placing ourselves above God and He will not stand for this. The Bible is clear that God is to be primary in our lives and when He is not we will be miserable because we have removed ourselves from the true source of joy in the world.

However, when we are able to step back and realize that God is on His throne then we can see both how small we are and how important we are to Him. I think the smallness of this realization is one of the motivators for us supplanting God and His authority in the first place. At some level we all fear being or becoming insignificant and when we compare ourselves to who God truly is we feel insignificant. However, God says to us in Joshua 1:9 to not be afraid and to be strong and courageous. Most people have looked at the verse in the context of facing life's chanllenges but I think it also applies to the fear of being insignficant.

The Biblical text is clear,  humanity is important to God. We are the pinnacle of His creation. We are loved and cherished above the angels. We are important enough to Him that Son, Jesus, chose to die for us. We are also told that we will never be alone and that He will be with us even to the end of the age (Joshua 1:9, Matthew 28:20).

So as you look you at your life and circumstance remember that no matter what God is still on His throne and that He is calling us to be strong and courageous and to keep on the throne of our lives.

Stand Firm

I have thought a great deal about the analogy that Paul gives when he explains the Christian life as a marathon. I think about how my own running plans and goals are affected by what I do and how I approach them. I have considered the mental discipline that is required of me as a runner and how discipline is required of each believer. I have thought about those times when I get tired as a runner and how I have to some times just make the decision to take one more step and then another and another and so on.  I have thought about how when I am truly dedicated to my running that I reap great rewards and how when I am truly dedicated to God I see some amazing things happen in my life and in the lives around me. I have often considered how I have to make time to run if I am going to get stronger and faster and how if I want to become closer to God that I must make the decision to be with Him.

In the end, for me the greatest lesson from Paul’s analogy is that it is a choice and a decision. I must choose on a daily basis to make God a priority. I must chose to make the things of God important in my life. I must make the decision to stand up and be a man of God and stand firm in my faith, no matter the circumstances in my life.

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong"-1 Corinthians 6:13


Thinking about things

What do you think about the most? What are those things that take up your mind's time?

I know I have a vast array of things that consume my mental energy. I think about what I am doing, where I am going, my family, my friends, and random other things (such as eagle-chickens). If you are anything like me then you probably do not spend a whole lot of time simply thinking about God especially when we compared to the amount of energy we use on other things.

Have you ever thought about how much God thinks about you? Have you ever considered how much of God's infinite mind is used thinking about you? The fact of the matter is that it is more than you or I could possibly imagine.

"How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I am still with You." Psalm 139:17-18

As I have considered this the nerd in me started to think about how the math of infinity might play in to this idea. As I did some research and verification on the web I came to a couple of conclusions.

1. The inverse of infinity is zero.-Implication-Either God's mind is infinite or it is non-existent. It has to be one of the other because the Bible describes His mind this way and the Bible is absolutely true or absolutely false.

2. Applying the concepts of math to the metaphysical can be trick at best.

3. Math can not explain an infinitely loving God because it has no means of putting this in to its strictly logical format.

In the end these verses teach me that God is constantly thinking about me. His thoughts are always about me not matter where I am or what I am doing. And when I think about these verses in light of other verses such as 1 John 4:8, 1 John 4:16 and Romans 5:8 I realize that when God is thinking about me He is doing so in such a way that He sees me through the eyes of love and compassion. How awesome is that?!?!?!? The God and Creator of the entire universe is constantly and lovingly thinking about me (and you for that matter)!

The Things God Knows

Have you ever really sat down and considered everything that God knows? It is a whole lot of stuff. Just take your own life for example. How much of your life can you remember? Are there moments you have forgotten in your own life? Of course, there is but God God has not forgotten any of them. He knows every moment and and every tiny detail about your life. He also has this exact same level of knowledge about every person on earth. Plus, He also has this knowledge about every person who has ever lived!

And this is just beginning point of his knowledge! That is a super crazy amount of stuff to remember and keep track of. Yet God in his infinite ability and wisdom is able to have a personal relationship with me. If that fact does not blow you away every time you consider it then I do not know what will.

Psalm 139:6
"Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain."

I hope you are able to take some time today and consider the knowledge of God.

Giving without asking

Genesis 3:21 NIV

The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.

Have you ever considered that Adam and Eve did not ask for clothing? He knew they needed them and He simply provided. God does the same thing today. He knows us so much better than we know ourselves and as such He provides for us long before we ask or even know to ask.

Doctor Who and Death

If you have never seen the show Doctor Who then what is wrong with you? I will admit I have only recently discovered this sci-fi masterpiece but I am usually on the slow end of things like this. One of the basic ideas of the show is that The Doctor (A Time Lord) does not ever actually die but rather he regenerates in to a new Doctor. At first glance this would seem like a pretty awesome way to keep on going. When this is first reintroduced in the latest series on the BBC it is presented in a very positive light however this perspective changes by the end of season 4.

In the interest of protecting those of you who have never seen the show I will not go in to any specific details but during David Tennant's run as The Doctor we begin to see more and more times in which the show wrestles with the negative side of regeneration. One of the key moments in this discussion comes when the Doctor descrives this process as essentially death because each new Doctor is truly someone new with different perspectives and character. In the final moments as the Doctor David Tennant says that he does not want to do it. Essentially The Doctor does not want to die, he fears death. The "man" who can travel through time and space fears death. The man who always seems to be able to save the world or universe fears death.

I think one of the reasons the show spent so much time dealing with this idea is that it is the one thing all of humanity must wrestle with. It does not matter if your are first world or third world you must wrestle with your own demise. All of man kind must somehow find a way to come to grips with death and what happens after death. While I fully understand that I do not know it all when it comes to life after death, I do believe that I have some pretty good ideas about what is to come.

First, there will be an afterlife for everyone. All of us have a soul and that soul will continue on once this body dies. Second, not all souls are treated the same in the afterlife. Third, how a soul is treated in the afterlife is a direct result of the decisions made while the soul was a part of a physical body. Fourth, while all of your decisions can impact your soul in the after life only one decision is necessary to change from spending an eternity of torment in to one of joy and happiness. The decision to follow Jesus is the only way to make this change. It is only way to truly be able to face death with something other than fear.

It is to you how you want to face death. Do you want to be like The Doctor and face it with fear? Or do you want to be able to face death with peace and yes even joy? The choice is yours.

Uno Mas!

Since October of 1996 I have spent a significant portion of my life around college students. This time has been in 3 different states with two generations of people (Gen Xers and Millennials). Over the years I continued to be amazed at how much some things just do not seem to change.

Tonight Angie and I had the privilege of working with the USF BCM and their summer kickoff. It was an amazing time. For me it was this strange mix of coming back to the place where it all began while also starting something new. I found myself again gravitating towards the sand volleyball court to play just one more game or one more serve. I also found myself thinking about all of the people that were at the BCM when I was their as a student. I thought about all the work and effort that so many people put in to events just like the one we were at tonight. I also found myself longing for some of those deep personal relationships that I shared those amazing people. Yet in the midst of all of the reminiscing I found myself getting to know new students. Each one there for their own reasons with their own set of burdens, dreams and ideas.

Tonight was an amazing night for me. I had a great time being on campus again and being around so many wonderful students. I have no idea how God wants to use me and my family on this campus but I am looking forward to watch him doing some amazing things at USF.

Life Lessons from Doctor Who

I have always been drawn to sci-fi shows and british TV which is why it is so odd that it took me so long to start watching Doctor Who. If you have never seen the show it is a bit hard to explain but the basic premise is that you have a Time Lord (The Doctor) who travels thru space and time in a constant search for adventure. Along the way of course he runs in to all sorts of bad guys and good guys all the while dealing with his own personal issues.

Lately, I have been watching the 9th incarnation of the Doctor which started in 2005. It took me a few shows to really get in to it but I was determined to see why so many of my nerdy/geeky friend liked this show. I now find myself in this position of wanting to watch this show whenever possible. As I have watched more and more of the show I have started to see some valuable life lessons. Tonight's thoughts come from Season 2, Episode 11:Love and Monsters.

At the end of the show the main character (Elton) for this particular episode talks about how when you are a child you taught to grow up, get a job, and have kids. This is the basic pattern for each of us to live. He goes on to say that life is much darker than this and it is also much brighter than this. As I heard him say this it struck me as to how true that thought really is. Life is full of deeply dark moments and events. Their are times in life when it seems impossible for us to go on. Sadly many people get so trapped in this darkness that they either kill themselves or become reclusive. These moments are tough and they are the ones that challenge everything that we believe in. It is in these moments that we learn so much about ourselves, our friends and our family. For those of us who come through these moments we come out of them stronger than we were before. We come out the other side of these times with a greater appreciation of the beauty and joy that surrounds us in this world. It is from these moments that we begin to see the second part of Elton's words about life.

There is amazing moments of joy and happiness in life. There are times in life when everything seems to be just a little bit brighter as if the world has been sprinkled with glitter. It is these moments that so many of us look back on during those dark days to give us hope for a better tomorrow. It is these moments that we look forward to because we know that they will give us rest. These moments help to reassure us that all of this craziness is worth it. They provide us with concrete proof that things can and do go right. These are amazing moments and when we are in them we never want them to end.

In the past few months I have experienced both ends of this spectrum. In fact, this weekend alone I experienced amazing highs and incredible lows. I experienced such a range of emotions from anger to joy and everything in between. Through it all though I recognize that I wouldn't trade any of it for the world because it is the experience that is life. God has blessed us with the experience of life. There is no need to for us to experience life but He made the decision to bless us with it. He desires for us to experience life so that we can better appreciate who He is and how much He loves us.

I am not sure which end of the spectrum that you are currently working through but in a sense it does not matter because he each part of the spectrum is a part of experiencing life. I hope that you are able to experience your life well today.

The Battle

As someone who works with teenagers I fully understand the need and necessity to make a concerted effort to reach the school campus. I realize that teenagers are simply going to show up at church just because you are having a lock-in or other fun activity. I also realize that if a school culture is going to change it is going to take students sharing their story and God's story with other students. When they begin to share what they know then things will begin to change at their school. I believe that most church members would agree with this concept when it comes to the Youth but I doubt many would agree that this is the kind of approach that we need to reach the children (elementary school age). My response to them would be why not?

Why is that we see teenagers as these great agents for spreading the Gospel at school but we think that children are not capable of doing such things? Is the Holy Spirit not as strong in children as He is in adults or teens? Does God withhold His great power and might from children yet 'magically' start giving it out to someone when they turn 13? Do we think that somehow children are not smart enough to tell the Gospel?

I think that if we as a church were truly doing things right then our children would want to be telling others in their school about God and Jesus. I think that is were doing things the right way then not only would they want to be doing but that we would be finding ways and resources to help them accomplish that. We would be finding and developing things like a kid's version of The LifeBook for them to give away.

In the end I believe that as a church we need to give more credit to our children. We need to stop seeing them as the church of tomorrow and see them as the church of today.

Students to Pray for


Anne Marie

West Aurora

Healing and Strength

The more I travel down this road of getting health and in shape the more I realize the deep connection between God and physical strength. It appears that while we know of many believers who suffer physically we also see in Scripture that when we follow God He provides the very strength for our bones. Proverbs 3:7-8 speaks to this.

"Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom.Instead, fear the Lord and turn away from evil. Then you will have healing for your body and strength for your bones."

The basic idea from this passage is that when we seek the wisdom and guidance of God then he will provide the physical strength that we need to follow Him. I do not know where you are in your journey with God but do not allow the fear of what may come to stop you from following after Him. He will provide you with the strength you need to make it through whatever comes your way.

God and Health

A number of years a local tv station wanted to determine who had the best fried chicken in the area. For judges they figured who better than some local ministers. While on the one hand this TV segment was funny, as I look back it was also kind of sad. Why is that when it comes to judging a food contest that a local minister would be at the top of the list? Why do so many Christians have such close associations with eating? Why do Southern Baptist in particular have so many jokes about eating?

I am the first one to say that I have not always eaten like I should or take care of my body the way that I should. In the past though when I have looked to change this it had more to do with what I had learned in school or in society about how I should look or what I should be doing. Over the last year or so I have begin to truly see the spiritual component of exercise and good health.

Over the last year I have been running with my oldest. In fact, this past summer he ran his first two 5ks. As our practice runs would get longer I started to see in him much of the same attitude I had about wanting to stop or not work as hard as I could during practice. I did not want him to fall in to the same traps and failures I had fallen in to so I had to find a way to break this cycle and what I found was God. I told Aiden that when we go for a run that there are always three of us and that when a run gets tough that we need to remember that God is there to help us. This thinking lead me to realize that I needed to do whatever I could to make sure that God was always a part of my exercising. One of the things this meant for me was play Christian music when I was doing my other exercise routines. It also meant not doing some because they were too closely related to the spiritual roots of yoga.

In the end I have not been as consistent with my exercise as I would have like but I am also in some of the best overall shape of my life. While I was working overnights I was able to have energy through out my night despite my goofy sleep schedule. I am better able to wrestle and play with my kids. I hope that in years to come that exercise will become such a habit in me and my family that it is just what we do. It is my hope that we will find new a creative ways to honor our bodies as the temple of God.

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

"Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well." 3 John 1:2


Two Becoming One-Response #2

Here is the second response I got to my questions

"Here's what I have so far.

Two becoming one is a mystery in the same way as the marriage of Christ and the Church according to Ephesians 5. It certainly involves the sexual union but it is so much more than that. One flesh cannot go in different directions in life—it must go together.

I've seen those two headed snakes before—the ones that can both flick their tongues—some can even both eat. You can tell that at times each head has its own thoughts about where to go or what to do and ordinarily they snakes would part ways, but in the end—they both go the same direction—to try and split them apart would be to kill the whole.

This is not to downplay sex as a part of oneness. The sexual union is vitally important to this oneness. Sex involves vulnerability and openness. For example, I cannot fathom how a married couple can engage in sex and it be intimate and pleasurable when there is anger, bitterness and unforgiveness. When people are capable of that, they see the other merely as an object to fulfill a momentary desire and not a true partner in life.

When I think of Genesis and why God made the woman in the first place, I consider that Adam wasn't really alone. God was frequently with him in the Garden. Even so God made woman, made Eve and immediately made the two "one flesh". She was to be his help-mate or life preserver, the one who guards and protects him, but also one whom Adam was to guard and protect. Relationship is inherent in God's nature and this sense of separateness is not what He wants for us or with us.

That's a key—eventually, we are supposed to be one with Him. Marriage is supposed to give us a sense of what that will be like. But since we have been corrupted and broken in the Fall, even our best attempts fall short of what it can and should be."

Two Becoming One-Response #1

Here is the first response I received on the questions I posted about two becoming one and marriage.

Married 7.5 yeas.

1. what does the concept of 2 becoming 1 mean? It means just that, physically of course, but also that you share everything. Both your paychecks go into the same account and from that account you pay your bills, including the debt you respectively brought to the marriage. There is no "my" anymore, it is "ours". It means that your dreams/goals/visions align. I'm not saying that you both have to want to be lawyers or if you are a doctor you have to marry a doctor. I'm saying that if I have dream to stop abortion it would make for a horrible marriage for me to marry a man who performed them. My husband and I both have a dream to see our neighborhood united and come under God's authority. It would be detrimental to our marriage if Christian wanted to move here and I wanted to live in a gated community. We are one when it comes to how we spend our money. We have a small allowance that we can blow on anything with no accountability but outside of that and paying bills, we discuss every expense and are united as one when it comes to our spending. We are one when it comes to disciplining our children, if one thing doesn't work we talk about and are one when trying something else. Because Christian and I are one, Nick knows that when I tell him no, it also means dad will tell him no and it is not acceptable to ask another adult when one of us tells him no. I'm sure there are more things but this is all I have right now.

2. I think that is what 2 becoming 1 means to my husband

3. Has my view changed? I don't think it has. My parents have this view and my mom has always taught me the things I talked about in question 1.

4. The above is how I would explain it to a newly or nearly married couple.

5. How have I seen this work in my marriage? This works in marriages... this is what works in my marriage, I gave several examples in my first answer. We stick by this. We don't fight.

6. How have I seen this work in other marriages? Well... I learned this from my parents and they have been married for 35 years. 

7. Do we do anything intentional to work on this idea? Christian just called me (literally 5 minutes ago) because he checked our bank account and found a few things that he wasn't sure about. He called me and asked what was going on- he didn't yell at me, he didn't accuse me of spending random money- and it turned out to be a legitimate expense. That was intentional. First to not yell at each other for things. Secondly the communication. I know some couples who wouldn't talk about this. He would see two paypal payments of 20$ made by the other and would think "well she just bought something on ebay for herself, I'm going to do the same thing." She would check the account and see that he bought something for himself and do the same thing.  It is difficult for me to watch Nick ask dad to do something and have dad tell him no when I think it's ok to do. I have to be intentional not to undermine Christian in that instance.  We have to be intentional to talk about how we are going raise our children. Ok so after typing all this I can boil it down to one word- COMMUNICATION. We have to be intentional about communicating with each other. Granted communicating comes easy to Christian and myself but we intend to do this.

8. Questions I would ask an older married couple.... What is your secret to being married 20, 30, 50 years? How do you deal with a major tragedy/loss in your marriage?

9.We do spend time with older couples. My parents have been married for 35 years. We are part of a life group at church, most of us are married and we are all ages (actually I think Christian and I are  the youngest in the group.) and two of the couples we are good friends with have been married for 14 and 20 years although they are only 5-ish years older than us.

10. What marriage examples do I have in my life? I can't speak for what happens behind closed doors but what I have seen has all been positive. My family growing up, for the most part, are all married for the first time. my grandparents for almost 60 years, parents for 35 years. When my great-grandfather died, he would have been married to my great grandmother for almost 70 years. I wasn't exposed to divorce until I was in Jr high school when my uncle and aunt were divorced. My uncle had started going to church and his wife couldn't take it and started her own thing. He remarried to a Christian woman and now lead "Married for Life" classes for other couples. 

11. Biblical concept of 2 becoming 1.  I chose a marble cake for our wedding cake. The reason for this is because you have vanilla cake and chocolate cake, two different cakes, different flavors, different colors. They become one cake mixed together. They still keep their original color and flavor, yet they are baked together in a way that makes them one. They 'can' be taken apart but painfully with a lot of work and they will never be the same. I believe there is a verse in Psalms or Proverbs that equates divorce with "ripping apart". That brings a vision that looks to me like abortion, the ripping of flesh from someone. 

12 When does this process take place? I believe you start practicing the communication when you date seriously. You talk about your dreams and visions. You discuss how you want to raise your children. You start to practice with finance when you become engaged- figuring out who will pay for what concerning the wedding. The process actually takes place during the wedding. This is when dad says "ok, you are going to be responsible for my daughter now"  I think this is the symbolism in dad walking the bride down the aisle. He ushers her into life (church) and on a journey to meet her spouse (down the aisle). He relinquishes all responsibility to the husband and when the husband walks her down the aisle and out of the church that is symbolic of the husband leading her on a journey out of life. This is -grrr had to feed Levi and lost my train of thought-. oh, during the wedding is when the wife takes the husbands name, when you are married is when Credit unions will allow the spouse to join. We got into an accident on our honey moon. Christian didn't have a car so he didn't have insurance ( he was driving) but because we had just gotten married, even tho I hadn't changed my name or address with the insurance company, they covered him. This is the only acceptable time to become one physically and to become one financially. 

Whew! Probably more than you bargained for but I love talking about good marriages, that's another passion Christian and I share. God has blessed us with an amazing marriage. I am embarrassed sometimes when I'm with the girls and they are talking about problems and I can't relate. You've heard the adage "to good to be true", well I'm still expecting the bottom to fall out. It feels to good to be true so it must me. It's just all God, we have minor disagreements but we've never "really" fought and you've known both of us long enough to know that Christian has a temper and I am moody. We should fight all the time! Statistically speaking we should be divorced or close to it by now- we've battled unemployment, loss of children, we practically lived together before getting married and we weren't virgins when we met and we live paycheck to paycheck but we don't have debt, we agree about our relationship with God and we talk. Chrisian tells me all the time that I am #2 in his life, God comes first and always will... that is the most romantic thing he says to me.

Ok, I'll stop now. I hope this is what you were looking for and I hope you haven't gotten bored and stopped reading by now. =)

2 Becoming 1-Ministers

Dear Friends in Ministry,

I am working on the idea of what it means when the bible says 2 become 1 and would like your input on some things. Please feel free to answer these questions either in the comment section, via email or facebook.

  1. What is the biblical concept of two becoming 1? Where do we see it?
  2. Have you ever taught and/or preached on this particular subject? If so when? Did you get any particular response or input from others when you did this?
  3. Have you ever done any kind of premarital  *"counseling"?
  4. Have you ever done any marriage *"counseling"?
  5. What do you believe others in your ministry (church or para-church) context believe about this concept?

I appreciate your time as I know how busy you are. Also, please feel free to pass these along to others so we can all benefit from each other's knowledge, thoughts and expertise.

*I know that their is a lot of legal issues related to the word counseling. In this context I am using it as the common person or church goer may use it. In no way would response be any indication of performing any kind of unlicensed counseling. If you have any particular issue with this wording please feel free to use those words that you feel most comfortable with in any of your responses.

Two Becoming One-Married

Married Friends,

I am currently working through what the idea of two becoming one means and I would love your input in this process. Below you will find some questions that I would love your feedback on. Feel free to either email me your responses (Just put Marriage Questions in the subject line) or simply leave them in comment section. Also please let me know how long you have been married. Thanks.

  1. What does the concept of two becoming one mean to you?
  2. What do you think it means to your spouse?
  3. Has your view of this changed over time?What did you think it meant when you first got married?
  4. How would you explain it to newlyweds or engaged couples?
  5. How have you seen this concept worked out in your marriage?
  6. How have you seen it worked out in other marriages?
  7. Do you do anything intentional to work on this idea in your marriage?
  8. If you could ask an older couple (those who have been married longer than you) 1 or 2 questions what would they be?
  9. Do you spend time with older couples?
  10. What kinds of marriage models have you had in your life?
  11. What do you believe is the biblical concept of two becoming one?
  12. When does the process of two becoming one begin? at dating? at marriage? at engagement?
 I appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions and would also ask that you pass them on to others who might be able to give input on this as well. I am not sure why God is leading me down this path but I believe it is for something larger than this little blog, possibly some type of book or pamphlet or bible study or something. With this in mind the more input I have the better and more comprehensive this will. 

Are Weddings Valuable?

According to and the average cost for a wedding in the U.S. was $27,017. If you live in a major metropolitan area such New York or Chicago the average cost jump to over $50,000. These crazy amounts of money have lead many people to try and devalue the importance of the wedding and the wedding ceremony. Many people speak of commitment without all of the pomp and circumstance. To some extent I believe there is some truth in these ideas.

I believe that people can be married without all of the extras that we so often put in to weddings. I am not one that believes that you have to have the dream wedding for it to be a wonderful occasion. At the same time though I think there is something to be said for the wedding ceremony and the wedding party. First and foremost I do not think it is any coincidence that Jesus' first earthly miracle was at a wedding. I do not want to read too much in to this but if weddings were not that important then why would Jesus have done what He did. Why would he have provide the additional wine needed for the people to continue in their celebration? To me this says that weddings are important to God. It says that we should celebrate when a man and a woman have decided to make the public proclamation of their commitment to one another. Second, most Christians would say that one important aspect of baptism is that it is an outward expression of one's commitment to Jesus. I think wedding ceremonies are much the same in that they are a public expression of one's commitment to their spouse. Weddings are one of the greatest platforms that couples have to simply say I chose this person to be my spouse forever. For the Christians it is a time to say that we have made the decision that no matter what happens we will remain glued (see Mark 10:7-8) to one another. It is a time to say that this is a choice that will not be undone.

I do not know where you are in life. I do not know if you are married or not. I do not know if you are divorced or not. No matter where you are in your journey I would like for you to consider the following.

For the married: Did you have a wedding ceremony? If not why no and do you regret it? If you didn't have one before why not have one now? If you did have one was the kind of ceremony that truly spoke to your commitment to your spouse? If not is that something you should correct with a new ceremony?

For the unmarried: What concepts about weddings do you need to reconsider? Do you need to begin shifting your focus away from you (or your spouse) and towards the commitment you are making? Where Does God fit in to your wedding plans?

*For the divorced: Did a lack of commitment play a role in your divorce? Is reconciliation/remarriage possible with your ex-spouse? If not, what does this mean for you and remarriage? If you are remarried is there a difference in the level of commitment by either you or your new spouse?

I am hopeful that as you examine these questions and consider what the Bible has to say about marriage and weddings that you will be encouraged to help form deeper and more committed marriages. It is these stronger marriages that will lead to stronger families which in turn will lead to stronger churches.

*Please note-I fully understand that not every divorce is caused by a lack of commitment. I know their are biblical reasons for divorce and that many people are justified in leaving their spouse. I also know that many people get divorced when they are no longer happy and they become rather flippant about commitments they made when they got married.

Swirling Vortex of Chaos

If you have never worked third shift for an extended period of time then you may not be able to fully appreciate some of the unique perspective that it gives. One of the neatest things that happens for me is when i first wake up in the evening.

When I wake up (usually around 5:30 or 6:00) I am able to listen in on my family. With so many little ones our home is many times like a swirling vortex of chaos and yet so many times when I wake up what I hear is my wonderful bride skillfully managing this chaos and moving it forward. She is able to move it through homework, clean-up, sibling rivalry and towards things like diner, scouts and karate.

I do not know how she does it but I am thankful she does.

I love you beautiful!

Worry can be deadly

One of the most deadly things to a believer is worry. It destroys relationships. It can destroy our witness. It will destroy our bodies from the inside out. These significant consequences are some if the reasons why God spends so much time telling believers to not worry.

God clearly commands us to not worry but He also tries to reason with us in Matthew 6. Either way as believers we must battle against this most viscous of the enemy's attacks. I pray that each one of us will fight the fears and worries that hinder us from doing all that God wants us to do.

Marriage and Strength

Most of you know at least part of the struggles that my family and I have been through over the past few years. As I look back it seems as though all we have been doing is experience life as a roller coaster with highs, lows, twists and loops. At times this has been exhausting and others it has been exhilarating. Through it all though there have been two major constants.

First, my God has never left me nor forsaken me. There have been times when I questioned the path or the direction. There have been times when I felt as though I was all alone. In the end though I can look back and see that God has never ever left my side and that He walked with me and carried me through this journey called life.

Second, my wife has always been there. There have been times when our marriage was really struggling to survive yet I always knew deep down inside that my wonderful bride would be there. Sadly too often I took this for granted and failed to appreciate what an amazing truth it is to know that my Koishii would be there for me.

As we have walked this journey together I have gained a deeper understanding of what it means when two become one. I better understand that I cannot truly hide anything from my wife. She knows when something isn't right and she knows when "her Patrick" is missing and not around. I better understand what true strength and courage is all about. I better understand what it means to have a help mate. I better understand what it means to have a true friend.

I know that not everyone is meant to be married. I am not sure why God has chosen to bless me in this way but I am thankful that He has because I am not sure that I would still be here today if not for the love, strength and blessing of my wife.

Thank you, my love for all that you do. Love, me.  :)

Is God Real?

The simple answer to the question is 'Yes, God is real' but does this really satisfy the deeper question?

I think as we look at this question and ponder its siginficance in our own lives what we find is that what we are really asking is "Can I truly trust the fact that is real?" I think that most people would acknowledge that there is a god and that he is real. Where people begin to struggle is the more personal nature of that god. On the one hand people desire to have a god that is intimately involved in their lives (even if it is only for their benefit) yet when that happens they freak out and question anything  and everything that god is doing. I have seen this same pattern in both followers of Jesus and non-believers. Believers and non-believers tend to want the power and security of God but do not want the submission that is a natural result of being in the presence of God.

In the end when we ask whether or not God is real we are ultimately saying that I want God to be real and in control but I am not sure how to let that happen and I am afraid to let it happen. This fear can be powerful in both the believer and non-believer. It can easily keep us from experiencing the abundant joy that God has promised to those who will trust in Him. It will keep us from seeing the wonderful blessings that come from His abundance (John 1:16).

I hope that for each of us today that we will not allow our fears and insecurities to miss the incredible blessings that are all around us.


Many of you who read my ramblings are aware of the struggles that I have gone through at work. To those of you who don't know let me summarize by saying that it has been a tremendous back and forth battle. My last rotation was no different. It was difficult for me to be able to see the path and plan that I had to take. It was if I could literally not see, like my vision was literally being block. This began to change during my thrids night.

During my third night I could begin to see what I supposed to be doing and how to move people in to the right places to have a successful night. It wasn't 100% clear but my vision was returning. On my fourth night my vision was restored but what I saw made no sense to me. Normally, I find myself doing all kinds of feature moves and changes as well my normal follow-up. On this night it was clear to me that I wasn't to make any major feature moves (just one move in fact) rather I was suppossed to spend a significant amount of time getting one aisle worked so that one of my associates could finish it up. This made absolutely no sense to me yet I was at peace as I working. I knew beyond a shadow of doubt that this was my role for the night. I did other things as the night went along but I was at peace with it all. It was by no means a perfect night but it was a night of peace, something that hasnt happened in a long time at work.

It was a night that reminded me that following God's will/steps/path is what brings us peace. It may not always bring us what we want but what we receive will be satisfying.

God Hears Us?

Sometimes I think one of the most difficult aspects of he Christian walk is truly believing and resting in the fact that God hears us when we call/pray. We know in our head that He does and we have probably even experienced obvious answers to our prayers. Yet, many times there is this voice inside of us that finds it hard to trust that He is going to answer us this time. Or maybe it is more that we are concerned that what we are asking for is not in His will and therefore we will be disappointed in "lack of deliverance."

I think for me I long to hear an actual voice of reassurance. Many times I long to have someone come alongside of me and give me that hug that says this is going to be ok and it will be taken care of. In essence, there are times I just wish that I could actually be literally walking with Jesus.

I am not sure where you are in trusting that God hears us when we call but I hope that it is not an issue for you like it is for me. If it is an issue here are some verses that may help both us as we work through this with God.

Jeremiah 33:3
 "‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ 

Psalm 55:16-17
" As for me, I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice."

1 John 5:13-15
"I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him."

He is everywhere

One of the key points of Psalm 139 is that there is no place where God is not. There is no place where we can go to get away from God, this side of Hell that is. This fact is intended to be both a comfort and a point of fear and conviction. We were are in need of comfort it is a reminder that we are not alone. We are in the midst of great battles and struggles it tells us that He stands before us, beside us and behind us. We we need strength it tell us that we can have it in a moments notice and that He will carry us through it all.

On the other hand the fact that God is always with us should also provide us with conviction for the things we do wrong. It should be a reason we choose to not do things. The idea that God will see us doing it is a good enough reason for us not to do it.

I hope that today you allow the reality of God always being there to sink in. I pray that you will allow that truth to either comfort you or convict you or both.

Are You Ready?

How do you approach your day?

Do you simply look at your day as something to be survived? Is it something to be cherished? Is it something to be seized?

In all reality no matter how you approach your ready you must be ready. As followers of Jesus we must be ready to fight the fight that will be before us. I have come to realize that no matter how good a day may seem or maybe be going I have an enemy that sneeking around ready to pounce on me and my family in a moments notice. If we are not prepared for this kind of attack then the affects of such an attack will be magnified.

So the question before you today is are you ready for the attack that is sure to come?

The Law of Possession

For marriage to be successful two individuals must find a way to become one. For a couple to successfully navigate this process they must be willing to completely surrender what was theirs individually and surrender it to the common cause. This does not mean that we completely lose our individuality no more than the Holy Spirit is not distinct from God the Father. What it means is that we must be willing to give our lives over to the other person. We must be willing to share all of our lives with one another. When we do this we make ourselves vulnerable to the other person and in so doing we open up more opportunities to grow closer. Along with this we must be willing to accept that which our spouse shares with us. They are who God has made them to be. They are wired in a certain way for a reason. We may not always understand why but that should not stop us from accepting them.

Sharing all of your life is difficult at times. We have so many things and thoughts that enter in to us that prevent us from sharing. Many times we do not want to burden our spouse with the troubles we have. We may even see this as a means of protecting them. In the end though it is not God's design for us to be this way. It is arrogant and demeaning for us to think that our wife/husband is not strong enough to handle whatever it is that we need to share. When we withhold parts of our lives from our spouse then we short change them. We deprive them of the opportunity of helping us in our need. We deprive ourselves the opportunity to grow closer in our oneness with them.

If you are married then I would encourage you to share your day, your feelings and your life with your spouse today. I would also encourage you to be prepared to receive whatever your spouse may bring to you this day. Be ready to be accepting and loving no matter what they share with you.


In Exodus 33:18-23 we see how despite the closeness Moses had with God that he wanted more. Moses comes across as a man who could not get enough of God. In the end though the sinful nature of man would not allow Moses to truly come before God. Moses was not allowed to come completely in to God's presence (think in terms of coming face to face with God) because had he done so he would have surely died. Thankfully, the same is not true for us today.

Ephesians 3:12 tell us that we can approach God with confidence, freedom and boldness. So how is this possible? How is ok for me to have that kind of access to God and Moses, God's chosen leader, to not have that kind of access? Jesus! Jesus' sacrifice and blood make it possible for to go before a holy God with confidence and freedom. Furthermore, I believe God wants us to live our lives with same kind of confidence and freedom. He wants us to live a life that fears no man no matter his position or status. He wants us to be able to live a life that screams of boldness and peace no matter what comes along before us.

I know I struggle with this a lot. There are people in my life that have authority over me that struggle to stand before with confidence and assurance. At the end of the day I must remember that there is nothing that can defeat me when God is for me. No matter how bad things may appear to me God has me and my family in the palm of His hand. He will take care of us. He will provide for us. We shall be more than conquerors through our Lord! May I be confident in these facts this week!

Questions for God

The more I read in the book of Exodus the more I am beginning to see the intimate nature of the relationship between Moses and God. For some reason or another I have had this image in my head that it was more like the typical worker and boss kind of relationship. I suppose at some level there was this relationship between the two of them but at the end of the day God desired a deep relationship with Moses just like He desires a deep relationship with us. The closeness between Moses and God allows Moses to ask those questions that many may have been asking but unable to ask.

Have you ever had questions you needed answered but we too afraid to ask of God? Have you ever felt like your questions were too silly of foolish to take to God? I know I have. I know I have been in that place where I felt like I should know the answer or should not even be asking the question because of my position of leadership. The fact of the matter is that God wants us to be so close to Him that we always feel comfortable talking to Him and asking Him our questions. He will not condemn us for asking or questioning. In fact many times God will use our questions to give us answers.

In the end if you have a question for God do not be afraid to ask. Besides, He already knows that you have the question :)

Like a friend

We read in Exodus 33:11 that God spoke to Moses in same way that friends wouldn't speak to one another. God has always wanted this kind of relationship with us. It was meant to be intimate and even relaxed. Our sin messes this up but thankfully Jesus' blood fixes it back. His blood will make it possible for us to have an intimate friendship with God in heaven.

I think this passage, as well the scenes with God before the fall, gives us a glimpse as to what our time with God will be like. It is not always going to white robes and singing and bowing down. It is going to be so much more and I cant wait! How about you?


Keeping things in the right perspective is one of my greatest challenges right now. I have a lot of stressful things going on in my life and I have done a poor job of handling that stress. I have been especially poor at allowing that stress to negatively impact the two most important relationships in my life. I have allowed myself to get to a place with my God where His voice seems distant at best. I have allowed my relationship with my wife to get to a place where she does not feel the peace and comfort of having a husband who will take care of her needs (emotional, financially, etc...).

I never intended things to get to this point but now that I am beginning to see how badly things have gotten I can begin to change them and make things better on all fronts. I have started this process this week while my family has been away to Texas. It has been a fight all of the way because the old me wanted to simply sit around and do nothing and hide in the darkness. I had to make the choice many times to literally get up and keep doing things that I knew needed to be done. It was a constant battle but it has been one that I know I must not lose. Over these last few days I have learned a lot about myself, my life and the power of the enemy. The goal for me this week was to get my life and priorities back in correct alignment. It is my hope that I have truly accomplished this but only time will tell.

It is my prayer tonight that your priorities are in the right place. It is my hope that if they are not that you make the decision tonight to change that.


When we are in any kind of a relationship with someone we naturally develop a set of expectations for that relationship and what we expect that person to do or give. This is true in all of our relationships. Some of the relationships we have we expect very little from people while other relationships we have higher expectations. I think most people who are married have a tendency to expect too much of their spouse. Most of us will at some point gravitate towards expecting our spouse to fill our needs for acceptance, identity, security, and purpose that can only be truly found in Christ.

I know for me I have done this many times. I have taken my eyes off of Jesus and as such I have stopped allowing Him to be meeting those needs and I started "requiring" Angie to meet those needs. That is an unrealistic expectation and unfair for me to place that upon her. The fact of the matter is that God intends for us to seek our basic needs from Him so that we can be a source of love and encouragement to others. In marriage, God expects me to love Him so much that I have an abundance of love and compassion for Angie. If I am able to constantly develop my relationship with Him then I will be better able and equipped to develop my relationship with her.