Annual Christmas Decorations

Just a little video of how Santa decorated our home this year for Christmas. Enjoy!

Understanding Christmas means.....

For those of you who have been in Sunday School regularly for years have you ever had the thought of "didn't we study those same passages last year at this time?" I would venture to say that this thinking would be especially true for those of you were in Sunday School through out your childhood. I know even for me, someone who did not grow up in church, I have had these kinds of thoughts. In light of this I have made it my goal each year to look at the birth of Christ with a different kind of lens each year. Some years I have examined through the more typical lenses and some years I have sought out those miniscule details and pour over them with a fine tooth comb.

This year God has placed it on my heart to look at the birth of Christ through the light of the Cross. My thinkinking has simply been that while the birth story is amazing and wonderful it is not unique to Christianity. In fact, Muslims agree with us on many of the major elements of the birth if Jesus. Therefore, if I am going to best understand the significance of the birth then I must look at from the view of the Cross (the one thing that sepearates my belief from that of others). To do this I am revisiting an old bible study by Dawson McAllister, A Walk with Christ to The Cross. This bible study will forever remain etched in my mind because it was this very study that we were working through at a  Dawson conference when I first gave my life to Christ.

This week I have been looking over the time of the Passover Feast and the scene in which Judas is identified as the one who would betray Jesus. Have you ever really wondered why judas did what he did. I know that the Bible tells us that Satan entered in to him and from that point forward I believe that Judas has no real understanding of what he is doing but that is only part of the picture. The fact is that the deal to turn over Jesus was already in place before Satan entered in to him. So why was judas so willing to go in that direction?

I think the bottom line was Judas had lost patience with Jesus. He had started following Jesus with the wrong motives and hopes. He had expected Jesus to gather an army of followers that would literally bring about a formal Kingdom here on earth. He believe that Jesus would forcibly remove the Romans from Israel. He wanted to be on the front lines of such an event. At first, it easy to see how Jesus' actions would have coincided with Judas's desires. Over time though we see Jesus saying and doing things that are driving away the large masses and thus ruining whatever chances there was of building up an army to defeat the Romans. As this realization began to come over Judas it is conceivable that Judas had one of two thoughts. 1. If he hands Jesus over to the religious leaders then he forces Jesus' hand and the battle will finally commence. 2. He is spiteful and full of rage and by handing over Jesus exacts some level of vengeance for the 3 years of his life he has spent (wasted) with Jesus.

I am not really sure which path Judas went down and in the end I am not so sure that it matters. What does matter is the way in which Christ handle all of this. Up until the very last possible moment Jesus offerred Judas a second chance. When Jesus dips the bread and offers it to Judas He is essentially giving Judas a peace offering, a means of saying I desire peace between us and you don't have to do this. Judas of course rejects this offer. Jesus does not sulk at this rejection, in fact He basically asserts His authority and orders Judas to do his job quickly.

I cannot imagine how hard that entire scene must have been for Jesus. To be in a place where you are literally face to face with the one who will betray you. To have the armies of heaven at your disposable yet knowing that You cannnot use them because You must go down this path of sufferring and death. To be face to face with a friend who is about to commit a wrong that will be more than he can handle and yet be unable to stop him.

The fact that Jesus willingly placed Himself in this most difficult of positions is amazing. It is my hope that as we approach the day in which we celebrate the birth of Christ that we will always see His birth in light of the great sacrifice He made for us on the Cross.

Contrasting Pictures in Acts 2 and 3

The biblical Book of Acts is amazing account of the many signs and wonders that surrounded the early church. It is also a story about how the church leadership developed in those early years of the church. Most church goers have read through many of these stories as they tend to fill us with that sense of awe and wonder about God's great and mighty power. Some times though I think we can get complacent when we go to read through the Book again as come into expecting only to see or read about certain things and thus ignoring some of the other aspects of the great stories in Acts.

This is where I was earlier this week as I began a new reading plan on my blackberry bible. I was looking forward to reading about the great miracles and acts of faith found in the book of Acts. What I was not necessarily expecting to find was an overall portrait if how different the church should look when compared to its surroundings. I found this while reading through Acts 2 and 3.

Acts 2 shows us how the power of God fell upon the Apostle. Acts 3 shows how the Apostle began to take the message to the people. We also see in Acts 2 how the new believers began selling their possessions so that none of them had need. They had essentially created the first church benevolence fund :) We can contrast this picture with how society was taking care of the needy as it is found in Acts 3. Acts 3:2 tells us that a lame man must beg for alms each day to provide for every day needs. While it is true that this man had help getting to the gate of the temple he was stilled required to beg for money. I think these contrasting pictures show us how the church is supposed to look different from the world around us.

We are called to be strangers living in a foreign land. We are supposed to act differently than the world. In fact, we are supposed to be the catalyst for change in a world that desperately needs. Unfortunately, for far too long the American church (as a general group) has been doing the opposite. We have been more concerned about our buildings blending into the surrounding neighborhood than changing the neighborhoods we are in. The end result of this is a society that sees nothing particular special or miraculous about the God we worship and love.

Wanting to know more

I can't tell you how many times, a history buff, I have wanted to know more a life or situation. If you think about we actually know very little about historical events and people. At some level this always bothered me because as a history student I was asked to give analysis of people and events and I knew there was always more there than meets the eye. Take for example the life of Christ. There huge portions of His life that we have no information on. In fact, the Bible tells us that the miracles recorded are only a part of the picture. As frustrating as that may be for us some times there must be a reason for it.

This same principle is true in my day to day life. I want to see so much more of His plan yet if I did my faith would be the weaker for it. In the end maybe that is the reason why we know so little about the past or the future. God made it this way as a means of developing our ability to have faith, to trust in that which we cannot see.

Just a thought for you before the Hawks game.

Why so few church plants

As someone who is involved in the church planting movement here in Illinois I have often asked myself the question of why there are not more people jumping at the chance to do some thing nobody else is doing so you can reach someone nobody else is reaching. When I first pondered this question I thought of the usual answers about calling and giftedness. While these are important pieces to the church planting puzzle I am not sure they full explain the lack of new church plants.

I think too often people have used calling and giftedness as excuses for not trusting God. I think that if were to really hone in on many people's lives we would begin to see that it is their lack of complete trust in God that prevents them from being a part of new works. I think most of the people would realize that they should trust God but they do not really understand why they should trust God. So if you are one of those people here are some reasons why I think we should trust God. (Theses are in no particular order).

1.He created you and me. Genesis 2:7 specifically tells us that God took the time to literally form Adam from the dust of the earth. In the creative actions of Genesis 1 and 2  this is a unique action taken by God. In all of the other creative moments before Adam God simply spoke and things happened, however in the cases Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:21-22) God took extra special care to mold and shape them with His hands. This special attention continues to this day as evidenced by David's proclamation in Psalm 139:13 that God literally wove him together while he was in his mother's womb.

2.He gave you the breathe of life. Genesis 2:7 not only tells us how God formed Adam but that He also breathed into him the breathe of life. Most people read this as God simply putting air into Adam's lungs but I think there is more to it than that. I think that this is the moment in which God gave Adam a soul. God provided Adam with life on earth and the ability to have life eternal (through the soul). Today we have that same opportunity despite the fact that Adam and Eve brought death into the world. The New Testament shows us that Jesus literally gives life to those who are dead (Ephesians 2) because of sin.

3.He has always existed and He will always exist. Genesis 1 shows us that God created the heavens and the earth and therefore He existed before them. The book of Revelation shows us that He will always exist (ch.21-22 especially show this). God is not going anywhere.

4.When we call/cry out to Him He promises to answer us. So often I believe people simply pray to God because it is what we are supposed to do. Rarely do many of us pray with the expectation that God will not only hear us but that He will answer. Jeremiah 33:3 is God's promise to us that if we will call out to Him then He will answer and teach us great and mighty things.

Many of you as you have read this have thought of some other reasons to trust God. Please share your thoughts with us so that we all can move further along on our journey with God.

Church Planting Sunday

According to the IBSA calendar, today is both Palm Sunday and Plant a Church Sunday. I think most people in the US would recognize today as Palm Sunday but few even in Illinois Baptist churches would know about Plant a Church Sunday. It is a sad fact that many of our churches in this state have missed the mark when it comes to seeing their role in the church planting. I am hopeful that as this day progresses that many of our churches will begin to catch the vision that God has laid on the hearts of so many through out this state.


Tonight I have been reminded once again how important it is to be doing what it is that you are most passionate about. Tonight was a really good night at work. For the first time in a long time I really felt like my team made some significant contribution to the overall look and feel of my store's backroom. We were able to clear a significant number of consumable area pallets that should not only help the store sales but also helped to cleanup the backroom. The kind of work we were able to get done is what I have been wanting to get out of this team since I took this position. On the way home I was able to turn the car stereo up loud and just enjoy the drive home. When I got home I did a little bit of house work and then settled in to check on some of friends online.

Once I got online I remembered that it was Beach Reach time and that I needed to check out what had been happening tonight. As I was reading through the prayer request my heart began to fill with both joy and sadness. I was sad because of all the lostness that Beach Reach reminds me of. So many students who are lost and what seems like so few brothers and sisters trying to reach them. Yet I was also filled with joy as I read through the wonderful things God was doing in the lives of students. I was also filled with joy as I thought about those wonderful students who were trying to make a difference in the lives of their peers. I love Beach Reach! I think it is one of the most amazing ministries. Its impact is beyond measure. I look forward to the day when I and the countless others who have been a part of Beach Reach will be able to hear all of the stories of how Beach Reach changed lives forever. I am also looking forward to the day when I can take my family to Beach Reach. I cant wait to hear my children telling people about Free Pancakes. I cant wait for the day when they will be old enough to ride the vans and share Jesus with someone.

As God would have it I got on to facebook and began chatting with one of the students that I took to Beach Reach 2 years ago. She and I chatted briefly (she was trying to get to bed) and she mentioned how she was just ready to graduate so she could begin doing what she really wanted to do. Of course, what she is passionate about has nothing to do with her major and it only took her 4 years to figure it out :). I am so excited for her that she has figured out what god has wired her to do and I look forward to hearing how He manifest those passions in her life. I know for a fact that god has some amazing things planned for her!

I hope that you have been able to figure out what you are passionate about. God has wired each of us differently and He has placed within us great passions. This thought becomes eve more amazing when you begin to realize that this is the same God who literally spoke all of creation (except man) into existence. Think about all of the creativity that God poured in to creation.....and then think about He pours that same kind of creativity in to people. There is no limit to God's creativity and so there is no limit to the ways in which He can use people to change the world.

So how do you think He wants you to change the world? So how do you think He wants you to change the world tomorrow?

Philemon-Do More

As I was reading Philemon again today I was reminded of how God wants us to do so much more than the minimum. How often have we just skirted by? How often do we only give tithe and nothing more? God wants more than this. He wants us to go above and beyond to do all that we can. He wants us to pour our lives into all that we do. So where are you short changing God?

Speaking Truth

For those of you who do not know there is an ongoing debate about the Apostle Paul's marital status. There are some who believe that given the culture of the day it would have been very likely that Paul would have been married before his conversation experience on the Damascus Road. Those who hold to this belief further believe that the thorn in Paul's side was the fact that his wife never became a follower of Jesus. The other side of this debate simply states that we have no biblical evidence to support the notion that Paul was married. In essence, they say that if he has been married we would find some indication of it in the New Testament. I personally lean towards the idea that Paul was married but I would not stake my life on it.

I find this debate to be an interesting one because it inevitably leads to a discussion of whether or not a personal can addresses issues such as marriage if one has never been married. In other words, it calls in to question a person's ability to speak truth in to someone else's life. I am of the opinion that while experience is good and can be valuable it is not necessary when speak ing truth to someone. This means that a single person can speak truth to a married person about marriage. I believe this to be possible because of the Holy Spirit. Too often though we forget about the Spirit's power and ignore others simply because they have obviously never been in our exact situation (ergo how could they possibly understand my situation and my life).

I also think that we too often assume things about people and their past. We tend to think we know someone by what we see in them now. We forget that who a person is now may be radically different from who they were. Who knows, you may meet a woman someday who lives in a well to do neighborhood who used to be a drug addict and a prostitute.

In the end, we must stop assuming we know people simply by how they look and act now and must take the time to get to know them and actually learn who they are. On the other hand, we must also remember that just because a person has never been through our exact situation does not mean they cannot provide us with wisdom and guidance.

We are bringing Abby home

We are bringing Abby home today!!!

Abby is doing great. She

Abby is doing great. She is next in line for a window seat!!

Abby after 2 pm snack

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Abby is being moved to

Abby is being moved to the less intense side of NICU.WooHoo

Pictures of Abby

I just wanted to post a few pictures up before heading to bed. We will have a lot more as the days roll along. Enjoy!

Mommy and baby are doing

Mommy and baby are doing well. Both are getting some needed rest

3 lbs 5 oz 16.5"

3 lbs 5 oz 16.5"

Finally headed back to the

Finally headed back to the OR

We r now looking at

We r now looking at 11 now errrrrrrr oh well such is life

We are still waiting to

We are still waiting to go into the OR. ugh

Another c-section had to go

Another c-section had to go ahead of us so angie will go in soon. Will keep u posted.

Abby will soon be here

In just a few short hours baby Abby will be coming into the world. We know that she will be small for her age but we believe she is going to be a feisty little one. She has fought hard to make it this far and we figure she will continue to do so. I believe abby will not be in the NICU as long as she is suppossed to be and will surprise all of the doctors and nurses by how quickly she grows and strengthens.

That being said I find myself in a rather odd place. On the one hand we are the end of the long journey of pregnancy. More than likely this will be our last biological pregnancy and as such the end of this journey has some added emotion and meaning. We began this journey about 7 years ago and we had no idea how many highs and lows we would experience. We knew from the death of our nephew Matthew that pregnancy and birth is not always easy. I also knew the statistics on miscarriages and so I always figured the odds were that some of our children would go straight into the arms of Jesus. What I did not figure on is how many of them would do this and how much of a toll this would take on me, my wife, my children and my marriage.

In the end though I must say that it has all been worth it. God has used every loss and every difficulty for his honor and glory. He has never abandoned us though we have some times abandoned Him. I do not know what the future holds for Abby or our family. I hope that it is one that is filled with many years of great joy and happiness. I hope it is one that is filled with at least one more brother or sister. Either way though I know that God will be right there with us all. I know that He will always have our best interest in mind even though it may not seem like it to us. I trust in the fact that all life is in His hands.

Tomorrow is going to be a great day. It will be the day that my youngest daughter will be born. It the day that will begin another new chapter in our lives. It is going to be a day full of adranile, pictures, text messages and phone calls. It is going to be a day that so many people will remember for so long. It is going to be a day where God smiles upon my family in a new and special way. It is going to be a day of fun and anxiety. It is going to be the culmination of an incredible miracle. It is going to be the beginning of another miracle. It is a day that I longed to see for what seems like an eternity. Above all else it is going to be a wonderful day because every day that we have is a gift from God.


Philemon verses 8 and 9 really seem to stand out to me today as I was reading through this letter. I think what struck me about them was the boldness with which Paul asserts his authority. We see this in verse 8 where Paul says that he has the confidence to order Philemon to do something. In essence, what we see is Paul saying I have a certain degree of authority over you to order you to do as I command. In doing this Philemon is reminded of his place in this world. This was important for Paul to establish because it sets the backdrop for the rest of his letter to Philemon.

Having established his position over Philemon Paul then states that he will restrain from using this authority and for love's sake chose to appeal to Philemon as opposed to command him. This choice is not unlike the choice God has made with us. Simple put God by His very nature has authority over us and could order us to worship (thus eliminating free will) yet He does not do this. God chooses, because of His great Love, to give us the choice to worship Him. He has thru His word, His actions and His creation gives us ample reasons to choose Him.

I believe the great lesson for us here is that while we may have the authority to do certain things does not mean we must always use it. I think this principal can be applied to any number of areas in our lives. I think this can be particular true in the church. There is a time and place for assertion of authority in the church but those instances are few and far between in a healthy & growing church. What we see in the church are times in which leaders must find a way, in love, to appeal to people to move into action.

This does not mean that we avoid challenging people and pushing them to do things wel outside of their comfort zones. We must always bestriving to challenge our brother and sisters to be bold and do things that will make them uncomfortable and require an even great reliance on God.


How many of you have ever heard a sermon on Philemon. I am sure at some point many of us may have heard a reference or two in a given sermon but I am not so sure that we see a whole lot of people have preached on this book. This belief was reinforced when I realized how few markings I have in this book in my own bible. I am as guilty as anyone else when it comes to studying this book to find the wonderful truths that God has in store for us there. As I have learned a little more about this book I think I might have some ideas about why we do not hear anything from this book.

I think one reason the western church may have backed away from this book is because of how it was used during the struggle over slavery. This book was used by both sides to justify their position. I suspect that this particular controversy has had a trickle down affect on today's church. We tend to be people of habit and if one generation does not use a particular book of the people then the subsequent generation is likely to avoid it as well. I believe that over time people have simply forgotten about the book.

Another reason we do not hear much about this book could be its size. It is the smallest of all the Pauline letters and it does have kind of a weird name.

None of these reasons are good reasons to have forgotten this book. It is Scripture just like any other part of the Bible. I am hoping to spend some time in this book personally over the next couple days in the hopes of gleaning some new insights into God and my relationship with Him. I would encourage you to do the same and hopefully we can learn something together.

The Day and Times at the R-C

The last few days have been a swirl of thoughts and emotions. We have seen slew of good reports and some things who have given us pause for concern. We have seen more doctors and hospital staff than we ever thought possible. We finally have a light at the end of this particular tunnel!!!!

Ms. Abby is scheduled to be delivered by c-section at 7:45 am on Friday. We are so thrilled to finally have a specific goal to be striving for. At the same time we know that being delivered prematurely can present its own set of challenges. We know that the road ahead will not necessarily be easy but we feel as though we have nearly made it to the finish line, at least for this part of the race.

I know for me the last week has been filled with all sorts of ups and downs. I have tried to keep my eyes focused on the creator of all that we see yet I have found myself many a time starting to get consumed with fear and worry. I know that patience is a virtue but as my Store Manager put it today "that must have been said by someone who was not waiting on something" :)

I feel like it will all be worth the wait in the end.

And don't worry my friends we will have pictures posted on facebook as soon as possible. :)

Some thoughts from the R-C

Today is day 4 at the beautiful Rush-Copley hospital in Aurora, IL. Angie and I have had a simply lovely time here on our babymoon. It is not exactly how we had planned to spend the final weeks of our pregnancy but the intimate room and romantic glow of the street lights at night have more than made up for all of the problems in changed schedules and lack of showers.

During this very special time for us I have had some moments of solice where I could truly contemplate such profound things as the meaning of life, why my right pinky seems to be longer than my left and why people keep trying to send us home (do we smell? or do they just not like us very much?). During these moments I have also spent some time pondering some slightly more spiritual issues. Most recently I found myself going back through a message sent to me by a friend in Florida. In her message she reminds me that there is a time, place and reason for all things. God has His reasonings for things and that in the end all things will work out for His glory. She also reminded me that when we follow after Him with all of our very essence and being then we know things will work out for our good even if that good does not seem so good at the time.

I do not know what the future holds for us. I do not know when Abby will be born or how big she will be. For that matter I have no idea how long she or anyone else in my family will live. I know what I hope for and what I want to happen. I know that living in the gray the past few days has been difficult yet peaceful (most of the time). I know that God is bigger than any struggle I may ever have. I know that He loves me and is taking care of me. I know that He has shown this love through an old friend from Florida who took some time to remind me of some truths that I have known for a long time. I know that He will continue to demonstrate His love for me, Angie, Aiden, Anthony and Abby in the days, weeks, months and years to come. I know He will never stop showing His love to me. I know that He is my God and my Savior. I know He is the one who made the choice to provide a means for salvation. I know that someday I will see my Savior face to face. I know that He holds tomorrow in His hands. I know He is taking care of my boys while I am away from them. I know that I know that I know that no matter what happens in this life that God is always there.

He is here in this room with us. He is in haiti with the suffering and the weak. He is the rich places and the poor places of this world. He is the beginning and the end, the alpha and the the omega. He is the all powerful creator of the universe. He is the one true God. He is the answer to the deepest longings of a person's soul. He is the great I am. He is the only true giver of life. He is the one who gives me breath every day. He is my friend and my God (do not ask me to explain how that works out). He is above all things because He made all things. He loves beyond any love I could ever imagine because He himself is love.

God is so much more than what I have written here today. I do not know where you are at with God today. I do not know if you have totally rejected God, the church, or religion in general. I do not know if you have full embraced any number of faiths like Christianity, Islam or Buddhism. Only God truly knows the heart of each man and only god has the authority to judge that heart. All I know is where I am and what God has shown me. I have tried to share some of that here today and through out the postings on this blog. I hope that I have in some small way accomplished that. I look forward to sharing more with you about Him in the future.

Duct Tape and faith

Lately I have had a lot of time to think. For those of you who know me you understand how scary of a prospect this can be. My mind tends to wonder in all sorts of directions and many times will latch on to some crazy idea that most people who just as soon stay away from. While I admit that many of these ideas have not turned out so well, some of them have. For example, the idea of planting a church to reach college-age people has evolved into our current church plant The Journey. I am hoping my latest idea is one of the good ones and not one of those weird ones that sucks up a lot of my time and ends up in the junk pile. All of that being said I need some help from you!! :)

I need people to give me their thoughts on Duct Tape. No really, I am not kidding on this one. I want to know what you really think about it. What are some the characteristics you think of when you think of Duct Tape? The more input you can give me the better. I know some of you may think I am venturing in to waste of time idea land but only time will tell and the more you help me with your input the better chance I have of staying in happy productivity land.

I look forward to you thoughts. Thanks.

Having faith in God....

Today's events have caused me to really delve into what it really means to have faith in God or better yet what it means to trust Him and to not rely on things of this world.

Our latest pregnancy has been a real struggle for me in terms of balancing a reliance on God alone and seeing medicine and technologies as God given things. As most of you know we have had a number of different complications in past pregnancies. As a result we have been seeing all sorts of doctors through out this pregnancy. Along with all of these we have educated ourselves on all of the various issues that we have been facing.

My struggle has been how do I prevent myself from relying on this knowledge (and the doctor's knowledge) and loosing sight of God and his sovereignty. I am not really sure that I have come to an exact conclusion other than to say that I have to learn to live in the gray. I am not sure that there is an exact answer to the struggle other than to always be seeking the answer. Could it be that God is not necessarily looking for us choose which to follow so much as it is that He wants us to be always cognisant of the fact that we do need to be relying on Him. Could it also be that in the process of seeking to do the right thing (through prayer, study and time with God) that we end up doing exactly what He wants us to be doing, which is deepening our relationship with Him.

So here is to living in the gray! :)

Its been awhile

It has been a long time since I have written anything on any of the various blogs that I author. There are a lot of different reasons for this which I you will not bore you with. For those of you who have been faithfully checking on me and my writings I do appreciate it. It is nice to know that someone actually reads these ramblings that I have. I am hoping that I will be able to write more often even though baby Abby's arrival will probably take up at least some of my "free" time.