The Law of Possession

For marriage to be successful two individuals must find a way to become one. For a couple to successfully navigate this process they must be willing to completely surrender what was theirs individually and surrender it to the common cause. This does not mean that we completely lose our individuality no more than the Holy Spirit is not distinct from God the Father. What it means is that we must be willing to give our lives over to the other person. We must be willing to share all of our lives with one another. When we do this we make ourselves vulnerable to the other person and in so doing we open up more opportunities to grow closer. Along with this we must be willing to accept that which our spouse shares with us. They are who God has made them to be. They are wired in a certain way for a reason. We may not always understand why but that should not stop us from accepting them.

Sharing all of your life is difficult at times. We have so many things and thoughts that enter in to us that prevent us from sharing. Many times we do not want to burden our spouse with the troubles we have. We may even see this as a means of protecting them. In the end though it is not God's design for us to be this way. It is arrogant and demeaning for us to think that our wife/husband is not strong enough to handle whatever it is that we need to share. When we withhold parts of our lives from our spouse then we short change them. We deprive them of the opportunity of helping us in our need. We deprive ourselves the opportunity to grow closer in our oneness with them.

If you are married then I would encourage you to share your day, your feelings and your life with your spouse today. I would also encourage you to be prepared to receive whatever your spouse may bring to you this day. Be ready to be accepting and loving no matter what they share with you.