Two Becoming One-Married

Married Friends,

I am currently working through what the idea of two becoming one means and I would love your input in this process. Below you will find some questions that I would love your feedback on. Feel free to either email me your responses (Just put Marriage Questions in the subject line) or simply leave them in comment section. Also please let me know how long you have been married. Thanks.

  1. What does the concept of two becoming one mean to you?
  2. What do you think it means to your spouse?
  3. Has your view of this changed over time?What did you think it meant when you first got married?
  4. How would you explain it to newlyweds or engaged couples?
  5. How have you seen this concept worked out in your marriage?
  6. How have you seen it worked out in other marriages?
  7. Do you do anything intentional to work on this idea in your marriage?
  8. If you could ask an older couple (those who have been married longer than you) 1 or 2 questions what would they be?
  9. Do you spend time with older couples?
  10. What kinds of marriage models have you had in your life?
  11. What do you believe is the biblical concept of two becoming one?
  12. When does the process of two becoming one begin? at dating? at marriage? at engagement?
 I appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions and would also ask that you pass them on to others who might be able to give input on this as well. I am not sure why God is leading me down this path but I believe it is for something larger than this little blog, possibly some type of book or pamphlet or bible study or something. With this in mind the more input I have the better and more comprehensive this will.