It is finished!

As I began this post I immediately thought of the great Petra song "It is finished!" Though the song itself has little to do with the post I thought I would share the song with everyone. Don't let the hair and clothes scare you off :)

Now on to the real reason for this post. I wanted to let everyone know that we have an edited version of our prospectus for The Journey. We would love for everyone to take a look at and let us know what you think. We would also love it if each of you would pass it along to others who may be interested in partnering with us. Please prayerfully consider how you may be able to partner with us as well.

The Journey Prospectus.

A Message for Mimi and Papa

Aiden and Anthony wanted to tell you a little bit about the park we visited yesterday. We liked it and think you will like it too.

The theology of eating out

Even in this more precarious economics times many of us seem to be able to find the money to eat out at least every once in awhile. We like to be able to reap the benefits of another's labor. The work of the Kingdom many times works in a rather similar fashion.

Jesus makes this kind of analogy in John 4:32-38. In this passage speaks to the fact that just because we are being allowed to reap the harvest does not mean that it was all us who were responsible for the harvest. So the next time you are at your favorite restaurant I want you to think about how much you are benefiting from another person's labor during that meal. At the same time I want us to consider how much we benefit from others when we reap that which they have sown.

Why did God name the stars?

I was curious as to why you think God named the stars? Posted your ideas in the comments section.

The First Disciples-John 1

The first reaction of the first disciples was to go and tell someone else whom they had meet. They did not have to be told to go and tell, they were so over joyed that they just went and did it. They did not know everything about Jesus and there theology was probably really whack at that point but that did not stop them from sharing what they knew to be true.

We have a lot we can learn from these first followers of Christ. Over the course of the next three years of their lives they would experience extreme emotional peaks and valleys, make tons of mistakes and even fight among themselves. Yet we can see even early on how they knew that they needed to share what they knew about Jesus. Sharing the good news of the Messiah's arrival was of central importance to them. We should dare to emulate the intentions of these men.

They shared the gospel plain and simple. They did allow the lies of the evil to stop them from sharing. They did not allow their station in life to stop them from sharing. They did not allow fear to stop them. They did not allow their lack of theological understanding to stop them. They did not allow their mistakes to stop them. They did allow the fear of the unknown stop them.

I wish I could say those kinds of things about. I hope some day someone will be able to say some of those things about me.

The Open Table

Here is the trailer/intro video for the DVD we will be using for our discussion group on Thursday nights.
Sorry for the lower video quality:)

The Journey has begun

We have started a blog for our church plant called The Journey.

Let us know what you think.