
We don't fall in love we fall in a hole!

Love is a choice. Each everyday i choose to love my wife. In light of this I have come to realize that I must make the decision to rise above the junk that is around me. I must make my wife a priority in my life. I must do this because God had called me to do this. I must do this because I have chosen to love my beautiful.

I made this choice of my own free will and as such i have responsibilities to uphold. I must do everything I can to ensure that my Angie is everything that God has deigned her to be. In making the choicer to get married I promised God and Angie that I would think of her before myself and in so doing help lead her in to a deeper relationship with her precious Savior.

I know I will continue to make mistakes but with God's grace and Angie's love I know I can do more than I can imagine. I also know that as a couple we can accomplish amazing things.

In the end I know my future is so bright I gotta wear shades!