Stand Firm

I have thought a great deal about the analogy that Paul gives when he explains the Christian life as a marathon. I think about how my own running plans and goals are affected by what I do and how I approach them. I have considered the mental discipline that is required of me as a runner and how discipline is required of each believer. I have thought about those times when I get tired as a runner and how I have to some times just make the decision to take one more step and then another and another and so on.  I have thought about how when I am truly dedicated to my running that I reap great rewards and how when I am truly dedicated to God I see some amazing things happen in my life and in the lives around me. I have often considered how I have to make time to run if I am going to get stronger and faster and how if I want to become closer to God that I must make the decision to be with Him.

In the end, for me the greatest lesson from Paul’s analogy is that it is a choice and a decision. I must choose on a daily basis to make God a priority. I must chose to make the things of God important in my life. I must make the decision to stand up and be a man of God and stand firm in my faith, no matter the circumstances in my life.

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong"-1 Corinthians 6:13