Accomplishments and Momentum

We all go through those times that are just a struggle to make it through. Some times those times last for days, months or even years and some times they last no more than a few hours. Lately it seems as though I have been having a lot of those moments. Today, in many ways was one of those days. Today some of the poor decisions (mostly related to finances) that I made recently had finally come around to bite me in the butt. Today I had to deal with my own guilt over what I had done and how it is currently impacting my family. Through out the day I was battling those voices that were telling me that nothing I do is right and it will always be that way. I knew these voices were lies but they were so constant that they made themselves hard to ignore. As the day and battle went on I found myself slowly starting to win small victories and accomplish little things. I realized that with each successive positive thing those voices got a little easier to handle and a little more distant. Then it happened. One little thing went wrong and all those small victories vanished.

It took me a few minutes to realize what had happened inside of me. Once I did though, I realized the shear stupidity in thinking that way. I was once again able to see how things were going right and that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a train it is Jesus. In end I realized that all the while Jesus had kept me from going down the deepest parts of the path the voices were laying before me. He was giving me everything I needed to be in the right place and all I had to do was accepted and move forward. He provided the way for me and He protected me while I found it.