The Qualifications for Deacons, Elders, and Pastors-Colossians 3-4

Many of you know that for the last week I have been involved with IBSA's Super Summer for Youth. It has been a wonderful experience. I have met some awesome people who love simply love teenagers and desire for them to become all that God has designed them to be. What most of you do not know are the fears and concerns that I had about my role and how well I would be able to accomplish the tasks that were before me.

I knew that I was coming into a situation that I knew very little about. I had never been to Super Summer. I had never served as a Recreation Leader anywhere. I knew I was going to working with a group would had probably been working together for years and I was going to be the new guy.

Needless to say I was a little nervous about things. I was also feeling rather inadquate in my ability to serve and to serve well. Since arriving here I have realized (in my heart as I knew in my head) that "it's not about me, it's all about Him, all of the time." This has been the calming and motivating words within the staff for the last week. For me it meant that I needed to let go of myt fears and simply trust God that He had placed me in this position and that He had done so for a reason. I needed to trust in that and allow Him to use me however He wanted. Since this somewhat obvious epiphany I have been far more at peace. Yes, I am still trying to process some of the things that have happened here and my role in them but in the end I can look around and see some awesome ways God has used recreation time to draw teens closer to Him and each other.
This week has also been awesome because I have been able to observe and participate in a staff that follows a Biblical model for leadership. Essential all of us have had specific roles and tasks that we were responsible for. We have all realized that we all need to be helping each other get all of those tasks done. We have each realized that the need to submit to others. We have also realized that there are times when we simply need to step up and be the leader to get things done and make some decisions. All in all this strategy had worked well. It has been wonderful. This staff has truly followed the model of servanthood and leadership found in Colossians 3 and 4.
It is clear to me from these passages that each of us has a role to play in life. We each have jobs, tasks and areas of responsibility. Yet we all have someone whom we must submit to. Ultimately, as a human beings we need those who will lead us. In the church that person is the pastor. It is his role to lead the church but he must do so as a servant. As a church member I must be willing to submit myself to his authority yet he must be willing to work with me and submit to my decisions when appropriate. I have seen this played out here at Super Summer. Shawn our director is the head of our staff. He gave me some direction with Rec. yet I was the one who had to make the final decisions on the games and where to play them. When he comes to rec. he is "under" my authority while there. He does this by choice. He could have chosen to dictate to me what to and when to do it. He could have come to rec yesterday and totally changed everything around but he did not. He may have one things differently but he has chosen to allow me to accomplish the tasks how I believe they should best be done.

This kind of interaction is how I believe church leadership should interact with each other. It is not about dictating or ordering others aournd. It is about each of us fully submitting to each other while also realizing that there is a chain of command and that someone does have the final say on certain issues.
Love in the Family

Love is a choice. Loving your family is a choice. Loving your friends is a choice. Loving your neighbor is a choice. Sometimes that choice may seem easier than others but that does not change the fact that it is a choice.

This is especially true when it involves the church. I love my brothers and sisters in Christ but I do not always like them. We all make stupid choices sometimes and when we do someone must end up paying the stupid tax. When stupid choices are made there will be consequences.

Paul reminds us of this fact in Colossians 2:14. Here we have God through Paul teaching us that if we seek to have a unity of purpose in our church then we must make the choice to put on love which is the glue that hold the church together. It is not always easy to love others in family of God but we must do it if we are to fully accomplish the tasks that God has for His church.
His Mighty Deeds

In light of my previous post I wanted to share with you a list of the wonderful things God has done in my life. This is in no way even a remotely comprehensive list and they are simply in the order in which they have come to my mind and heart.
  • Salvation
  • Angie her incredible love and sacrifice
  • Aiden and his sweet spirit
  • Anthony and his endurance
  • His calling on my life
  • Those times He has filled my gas tank enough to make it to the station
  • Answered prayers
  • Answered questions
  • Kelly
  • Scott
  • Protection in car accidents
  • Lessons learned in hard times
    • Loss of Children
    • Church conflicts
    • Family conflicts
    • Other personal conflicts
    • Jobless
  • The wonderful summer at The Island
  • Beach Reach 2008
  • Times at WIU handing out gum and the conversations He guided me towards
  • Amber's questions
  • Denise's questions
  • Once again God's answers to their questions
  • Beautiful Sunsets
  • Birds chirping in the early morning
  • Allowing me to come into His presence
  • Hugging me in my times of need
  • Carrying me in my times of need
  • Granting me the strength to continue on when hope seems lost
  • Showing me that there is always hope because of Christ
  • Showing me the light at the end of the tunnel is no a train, it is Jesus!
I would love to hear about some of the wonderful things God has done in your life. I want to be able to praise Him with you.
Sharing His Story

Most Christians have at least heard about the Great Commission and how we are suppossed to sharing the good news of salvation. At some level or another we know that God wants us to share the testimony of our salvation with others. Beyond this many of us have missed the fact that God's word tells us to share about all of his mighty acts and deeds.

Psalm 145:4 says that one generation will praise God's mighty works and acts to another. This more than simply sharing the stories from the Biblical narrative. It sharing the continuing story of how God has acted in each one of our lives. We are share these stories as acts of praise for our Creator. In so doing we not only show God how much we love Him we also tell others about how great and wonderful our God is.

You may be wondering if you even have those kinds of stories to tell. If this is you then I say to you today that any work of God in your life is a mighty work. God has no reason beyond His own grace to even be involved in our lives. He was under no obligation to have a relationship with us. He out of His great love and mercy chose to have one. Therefore, anytime He comes and touches our life it is great and mighty act.

Take some time today and dwell on the honorable and wonderful things that God has done in your life. Then take some time and praise for those acts. Finally, take the time to praise God to others for His mighty deeds.

Conflict in the church is one of the most difficult issues leaders deal with. It is something that many still think we should never have and while others simply want to sweep it under the rug and forget about it and just move on. Neither of these choices are correct and neither is any choice in which we simply ignore the issues and do not handle them in a biblical manner. Exactly how that plays out in each conflict may be different and that is wonderful so long as every attempt is made to handle ourselves in a biblical manner. This is easier said than done.

When we are in the midst of the struggle it is easy for us to get consumed by it. I believe this is what happened to many people in the church at Philippi. Paul writes to them about their conflict in Philippians 3 and 4. He essentially tells them two key things about how they were to conduct themselves during that time. First, they needed to be patient and prayerful (4:6-7). They needed to understand that God will work it out and if they are patient and wait on Him then His peace will guard their hearts and minds. Second, he warned them against dwelling on the negative issues at hand (4:8). In fact, he instructs them to do the opposite. They were commanded to dwell and think on the wonderful, honorable and great things in life. He was trying to get them to see that God was still working in spite of the conflict.

We would do well to learn these same lessons and heed Paul's teachings. No matter what may be going on around you God is still working, moving and doing some mighty things. They very fact that you have breath is a miracle of God. In recent weeks I have become guilty of allowing conflict to consume too much of my time and life. God has convicted and forgiven me of this. I would pray that you would ask God to search your heart and show you what you need to change to grow closer to Him.
Do You Realize?

Do you see how great and mighty God is? Do you see His awesome power and might? Do you understand that nothing happens without Him knowing? Do you see that the only reason you have breath is because of Him? Do you know that He is holy and that our sin would be justification for being wiped off the earth?

God is mighty and holy. He is so awesome and words can never express how great, wonderful and mighty He is. He is the creator! He is the lover of my soul. He is my provider. He is my source of strength. He is my source of peace in the storms of life. He is so much more than I could have ever imagined.

Is He for you? Do You seek His peace? Do You seek His wisdom? If not why not?

He is waiting for you to come before His throne. He desires great and mighty things for you. He wants a close relationship with you.