The simple answer to the question is 'Yes, God is real' but does this really satisfy the deeper question?
I think as we look at this question and ponder its siginficance in our own lives what we find is that what we are really asking is "Can I truly trust the fact that is real?" I think that most people would acknowledge that there is a god and that he is real. Where people begin to struggle is the more personal nature of that god. On the one hand people desire to have a god that is intimately involved in their lives (even if it is only for their benefit) yet when that happens they freak out and question anything and everything that god is doing. I have seen this same pattern in both followers of Jesus and non-believers. Believers and non-believers tend to want the power and security of God but do not want the submission that is a natural result of being in the presence of God.
In the end when we ask whether or not God is real we are ultimately saying that I want God to be real and in control but I am not sure how to let that happen and I am afraid to let it happen. This fear can be powerful in both the believer and non-believer. It can easily keep us from experiencing the abundant joy that God has promised to those who will trust in Him. It will keep us from seeing the wonderful blessings that come from His abundance (John 1:16).
I hope that for each of us today that we will not allow our fears and insecurities to miss the incredible blessings that are all around us.
Sermons on Youtube
9 years ago
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