Our circumstances don’t define God and when we, as believers allow the circumstances of our lives to determine who God then we are presenting to the world a God who is not unlike the idols found through out the Bible. When we determine who God is and how He functions in this world then we are arrogantly placing ourselves above God and He will not stand for this. The Bible is clear that God is to be primary in our lives and when He is not we will be miserable because we have removed ourselves from the true source of joy in the world.
However, when we are able to step back and realize that God is on His throne then we can see both how small we are and how important we are to Him. I think the smallness of this realization is one of the motivators for us supplanting God and His authority in the first place. At some level we all fear being or becoming insignificant and when we compare ourselves to who God truly is we feel insignificant. However, God says to us in Joshua 1:9 to not be afraid and to be strong and courageous. Most people have looked at the verse in the context of facing life's chanllenges but I think it also applies to the fear of being insignficant.
The Biblical text is clear, humanity is important to God. We are the pinnacle of His creation. We are loved and cherished above the angels. We are important enough to Him that Son, Jesus, chose to die for us. We are also told that we will never be alone and that He will be with us even to the end of the age (Joshua 1:9, Matthew 28:20).
So as you look you at your life and circumstance remember that no matter what God is still on His throne and that He is calling us to be strong and courageous and to keep on the throne of our lives.
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9 years ago
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