I think deep down inside of each of us we desire for someone or something to tell us what to do and how to make the right choices. For many us we look to God for those answers. We accept it on faith that He loves us so much that He has a plan for us and that He desires to be intimately involved in our lives. What happens when we are at a cross roads and we do not seem to have answer as to which way to go? How do we handle this? How should we handle it? How are suppossed to move forward?
I know in my head that God will give the direction I need when I need it. The hard part for me is living this truth out. Then again is that what faith is all about. Moving in a direction where we do not always see all the way down the path. So tonight I am at a cross roads. I am at that place where I need to make some decisions and I having to march forward with the advancement of time trusting that God will give the clear direction I need exactly when I need to get it.
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9 years ago
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