Timothy's primary job was to be the Herald in his area of the world. Paul writes to Timothy in 2 Timothy 4:2 to preach (proclaim as a herald) the word. He goes on to say that the time will come when people will no longer want to hear truth they will simply want their ears tickled. I wonder if this happened to Timothy.
Did Timothy ever see within his congregation this sort of ignoring of truth? If so what did he do? Was he faithful? No matter what happened I do hope he remained faithful. For it is God and His truth that we commanded to hold on to. Where are you in this kind of struggle today? Are you a herald of the word? Are you proclaiming His truth? Maybe you do not know His truth so you cannot begin to proclaim it. I do not know where you are but I do know what He wants of all of us and that is be faithful to Him no matter what may be going on in our lives. It is my hope that one day I can stand before others and proclaim as Paul does in verse 7 that I have fought the good fight and that I have kept the faith.
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9 years ago
You and your family are in our prayers, Patrick. Stay strong in the Lord. Love, Shirley Reed
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