The Link between King David and Duct Tape

So what do you think the link is? (This is not a trick question, there really is a connection)

Before I answer this question I would to tell you a little bit about how I see King David. Scripture tells us that David was a man after God's own heart. I am so blown away by this description. What an honor to be seen in this light by God. This is how I see David. I look at him no so much as a great King but as man who made his share of mistakes but who also sought after God with great passion.

I think for David passion was the key. As I have looked over David's life I see two definite passions. The first is that of music. We learn from 1 Samuel that David's abilities on the harp were such that he was the one who was able to calm King Saul when he went into one of his fits. David did not learn to play the harp with this kind of skill overnight. I am not sure when started playing but he must have liked because he kept playing. This indicates to me a great love for all things musical. Later on in life we know for sure that he wrote a funeral song for Abner and created a temple choir. Because of this love of music many people believe David to be the author of many of the songs found in the book of Psalms. While I am not 100% sure if he is the author I do tend to think that the likelihood is pretty good given his known musical talents and abilities and his love of music. So what does all of this have to do with Duct Tape????

Well it is about passion. Many of you know that I love Duct Tape. I enjoy making DT clothing. I look for ways to use DT in my teaching lessons. I look forward to the day when God allows me to use DT in a sermon (Yes it has been done before just not by me). Some may laugh at this but I think my love of DT is something God has given me. I believe God has given each one us the capacity to have incredible passions. These passions can take any number of forms. In fact, I believe there are an unlimited number of passions God can give us. The key for you and I is to make sure that we use these passions in the right way. We must make sure that we use them for God's glory. For me and DT that has meant trying to use DT as means of making connections and building relationships with the goal of sharing Christ with people.

So what are your passions?
Why has God given you those passions?
What re you doing with those passions? Should you be doing more?

Do you understand that your passions come from the God who loves you more than you will ever know? If not, let me know so we can talk more about this.