God's Holiness

Have you ever truly considered what it means to say that God is holy? Have you ever taken the time to ponder how His holiness should affect how we relate to God?

I have been going through a Bible Study called Downpour. I meet with a group of men at 6:15 in the morning (hard to believe that I am up and doing a bible study at that time in the am) every Thursday to discuss the study and what God is teaching us through it. The basic premise of the book is that Christian typically fail in their understanding of God's holiness. It is more than just being different or separate from us. It is the kind of separateness that can literally kill someone when they come in contact with it. So this begs the question....How does (or should) this picture of God change how you approach Him in prayer and worship?

We must also consider how we are to balance this idea with what we find in 1 John 4:17 where we are told that we, as believers, we will have confidence on the day of judgment. In other words, we will not have fear when we come into the presence of God on the Day of Judgment. How is this possible? How is it that we will be able to stand in the presence of God's Holiness and not die much less have confidence even boldness?

As I have considered these questions the only thing I have come up with is that is because of Christ and his blood. His sacrifice makes it possible to have assurance and confidence when I consider eternity. I do not fully understand exactly how it all works all I know is that Scripture teaches us that it does. If you are someone who does not have this kind of assurance or you have questions about being a Christian I would love to hear from you. I would love to take some time and discuss with you more about God's holiness and Christ's sacrifice. You can reach me through email at bcm@ubcfellowship.com. For the rest of you please feel free to leave your thoughts and ideas on this subject.