The last few days have been a swirl of thoughts and emotions. We have seen slew of good reports and some things who have given us pause for concern. We have seen more doctors and hospital staff than we ever thought possible. We finally have a light at the end of this particular tunnel!!!!
Ms. Abby is scheduled to be delivered by c-section at 7:45 am on Friday. We are so thrilled to finally have a specific goal to be striving for. At the same time we know that being delivered prematurely can present its own set of challenges. We know that the road ahead will not necessarily be easy but we feel as though we have nearly made it to the finish line, at least for this part of the race.
I know for me the last week has been filled with all sorts of ups and downs. I have tried to keep my eyes focused on the creator of all that we see yet I have found myself many a time starting to get consumed with fear and worry. I know that patience is a virtue but as my Store Manager put it today "that must have been said by someone who was not waiting on something" :)
I feel like it will all be worth the wait in the end.
And don't worry my friends we will have pictures posted on facebook as soon as possible. :)
Sermons on Youtube
9 years ago
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