In just a few short hours baby Abby will be coming into the world. We know that she will be small for her age but we believe she is going to be a feisty little one. She has fought hard to make it this far and we figure she will continue to do so. I believe abby will not be in the NICU as long as she is suppossed to be and will surprise all of the doctors and nurses by how quickly she grows and strengthens.
That being said I find myself in a rather odd place. On the one hand we are the end of the long journey of pregnancy. More than likely this will be our last biological pregnancy and as such the end of this journey has some added emotion and meaning. We began this journey about 7 years ago and we had no idea how many highs and lows we would experience. We knew from the death of our nephew Matthew that pregnancy and birth is not always easy. I also knew the statistics on miscarriages and so I always figured the odds were that some of our children would go straight into the arms of Jesus. What I did not figure on is how many of them would do this and how much of a toll this would take on me, my wife, my children and my marriage.
In the end though I must say that it has all been worth it. God has used every loss and every difficulty for his honor and glory. He has never abandoned us though we have some times abandoned Him. I do not know what the future holds for Abby or our family. I hope that it is one that is filled with many years of great joy and happiness. I hope it is one that is filled with at least one more brother or sister. Either way though I know that God will be right there with us all. I know that He will always have our best interest in mind even though it may not seem like it to us. I trust in the fact that all life is in His hands.
Tomorrow is going to be a great day. It will be the day that my youngest daughter will be born. It the day that will begin another new chapter in our lives. It is going to be a day full of adranile, pictures, text messages and phone calls. It is going to be a day that so many people will remember for so long. It is going to be a day where God smiles upon my family in a new and special way. It is going to be a day of fun and anxiety. It is going to be the culmination of an incredible miracle. It is going to be the beginning of another miracle. It is a day that I longed to see for what seems like an eternity. Above all else it is going to be a wonderful day because every day that we have is a gift from God.
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9 years ago
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