Three Kinds of People

Some have argued that there are only two kinds of people in this world, saved and lost. While I do agree with this, I also think there is another way we can view the world. This perspective actually yields three groups of people.

Group 1
They care nothing about God. They are cold towards Him. They do not want hear anything about His truth or His plan for their life. This group includes people have a passion for other gods but not the One True God.

Group 2
They sort of care about God. They are willing to hear about Him and even talk Him. Many in this group have an incredible amount of head knowledge about God. Many in this group attend church on a regular basis and may even be active in some way at church. Yet God is definitely not first in their lives.

Group 3
This group passionately lives out their lives in submission to God. They love Him and His Word. To the best of their ability they seek to follow His will. The recognize that He is their sole source of peace and joy in this world. They understand that every good thing comes from Him. God is first on their priority list.

Which group are you in?

God desires us to be in Group 3. He wants us to live passionately for Him and when we are not doing that then we are living in sin.


Sonya said...

:) I'm working on being in group 3; or possibly I always have been.