The Conscience of Tough Choices

Each of us is born with a conscience. God writes it upon our hearts (Romans 1:20-21 & 2:15). From this each of us has the opportunity to follow this conscience and consequently to follow God's Law. Unfortunately, sin gets in the way of us being able to hear and follow this innate sense of right and wrong. When we accept Christ as Savior then we are able to truly follow our conscience (the Holy Spirit uses our conscience to accomplish His work).

When we are able to follow that which is written on our hearts then we will receive Praise from God and not necessarily praise from man. It is God's praise that we must yearn for. For He praises us for what He sees in our hearts and man praises us for what he sees on the outside (Romans 2:27-29).

In the end we must follow God even when that decision will be tough. We must follow Him even when it will make some people mad and yes we must follow Him even when it will hurt someone. Decisions in life can be excruciatingly difficult. This is especially true when it involves relationships. Some times we must stand-up for what is right and we must defend the honor and emotional well-being of those whom we hold most dear. When we do this many times we will find well intentioned people (believers and non-believers) will tell us that we are wrong or even ungodly. They are free to have that opinion and when it comes from a believer I do consider with great weight and prayer. I must do what I believe God desires me to do. If later I see that I was wrong then I will deal with that when the time comes. As for now I must follow Him the best I can and trust that He knows best and will provide all that I need.