What Could Have Been

Saul could could have been the greatest King in the history of Israel.

I have never really thought much about Saul and why he had been chosen to be the 1st King of Israel. Scripture tells us that he was tall and good looking. In essence he had th outward makes of a great king. I also believe that he had the inward potential to become a great king. If he did not have the potential then God would not have chosen him. Unfortunately for Saul he also had the potential for great failure.

When Saul was anointed king he was supposed to be the one to deliver God's people from the Philistines (1 Samuel 9:16). Saul could see this and quickly gathered a great army (1 Samuel 13:2). Unfortunately Saul was not patient in waiting on Samuel(1 Samuel 13:8-13) and because of his lack of obedience he would never full end the Philistine threat. In fact, we read that the two nations where in conflict all of the days of Saul's reign (1 Samuel 14:52).

The brief synopsis of Saul is in great contrast to the story of David. David had none of the outward markings of a great king yet he was a man that was after God's own heart. David made his mistakes no doubt about it but in the end he was able to accomplish that which Saul could not, he permanently ended the war with the Philistines (2 Samuel 5:17-25). In essence, David took over the wonderful legacy that could have been Saul's.

I think many times we see this same pattern in the church today. Many people are being called by God to do many different task yet few respond. God's tasks are still getting accomplished though except many of us are missing out on the blessings that come from fully obeying God. Saul and his family were to be the ones to rule the land for generations to come instead they died on a battle field.

So the choice is yours. Are you going to be someone who unnecessarily dies on some battlefield or are you going to be the one who follows after God no matter what He calls you to do?


Anonymous said...

I pray the second.

-lil K