Do You Fear God?

Well do you?

If you don't you should!

God is to be feared. We do not like to say or hear these kinds of things nowadays but He should be. He is holy and we should fear ever coming into His presence. He is the ultimate judge. He is the one who holds the very fate of lives and nations in His hands. Why is it that we tend to not fear God?

First of all Christians in many ways have less to fear from God. For those of us who have accepted Christ as Savior (for more on that click here) we know beyond a shadow of doubt that our eternal destiny is secure. We know that we will spend the rest of eternity with god in Heaven. Yet we should also have a healthy dose of fear when we deal with God. He is still holy after all. For the non-Christian this fear is even more magnified. They lack assurance on their eternal destiny. They do not really know for sure what will happen when they die. Many have some confidence but there is always some lingering doubt.

Second, I think, because we live in a fallen (not perfect) world, our natural tendency is to only fear those things which can hurt us in the immediate future. We are not alone in this inclination. The Israelites struggled with their fear of God(despite his numerous acts of judgment) yet after only one act/pronouncement of judgment they feared Solomon (1 Kings 3:16-28). How is it that God's people could so easily stray from fearing the Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth yet fear one of God's creation? How is it that we can easily not fear God but fear other people? How is it that we can avoid fearing God but be afraid of our teachers, our bosses and the government?

Something to ponder. :)