Walking in the way of....

Have you ever consider in whose ways your walk in? Are you walking in the ways of your mom? your dad? David? Jeroboam? Jesus? God? Satan? Your lovable but slightly off center student minister?

If you have never read 1 Kings I would encourage to do so. I have learned a great deal about what it means to follow in the footsteps of others and how important it is to chose wisely whom we follow. Of course, all Christians are supposed to follow in Christ footsteps but for many of us that is a hard concept to wrap our minds around so we seek out fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to emulate. I think this can be a good practice so long as we always remember that no person is perfect and that we must always look at Scripture to see if our actions and thoughts are correct.

I believe God places people in our lives that we can look up to. People that we can look at and say I want to be where they are at some day. I also believe that while He gives us those people He also uses as like that in the lives of others. So who is it that is looking up to you? Who are those people who are looking at you and saying I want to be like them when I get older (or more mature)? Is your life really worth imitating? What needs to be removed to make it better? I do not know what this all means for you but I would love to hear about it.


Anonymous said...

I look up to everyone.. DUH.

But, no seriously.. I look up to my daddy. :)

~lil k