Has anyone ever truly been rebuked you?
If you have honest and true Christian friends then you should have answered yes. It is our duty as brothers and sisters in Christ to correct our fellow Christians when they are not doing things the right way. This can be a difficult thing but it is something that must be done. I would argue that this lack of correcting is one of the forces that slowly eats away at the foundations of our churches until they eventually collapse on top of them selves. Too often people do not want to rock the boat be labeled a troublemaker so they simply let things go. We must always remember that when we fail to correct our brother or sister then we will also be held accountable for the consequences of their sin.
The flip side of this situation is if you are the one being corrected. In many ways this can be an even harder position to be in. Many times our pride and arrogance cause us to get angry and ratioinalize away the things people are saying to us. This has been me more times than I can count. It is one of those areas that I am consistently trying to improve upon and with God's power and strength I hope that this will no longer be an issue. If you are in a similar place then let me direct you to the words of Psalm 141 and especially verse 5. Hopefully these words will ive you some hope and remind you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is not a train!
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9 years ago
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