Not surprisingly I have had some more time to think at work tonight. So much so that I had to come home during lunch to do some research and write some.
One of the things that came to mind while I was at work was the idea that I must always remember how much I have been forgiven and that the Father's forgiveness should be a pattern for my forgiveness of others. Of course, ours will never be as perfect as His. Following this line of thinking I came across the Greek word "Aphiemi". This word basically means to remove from oneself or more literally to throw away from you. So, that would mean that we are to literally throw away from us the sins of others. So how do we accomplish that?
I still do not have any truly hands-on practical answers for that. I believe it begins and ends with the Holy Spirit and a willingness to forgive. I also believe that for most of us this will involve some level of personal interaction with the one who has sinned against us. Speaking of which I need to go and deal with some forgiveness issues. Do you?
Sermons on Youtube
9 years ago
My internet has been whacky - so here's to hoping I can get this all out. I think about forgiveness a lot, and what it looks like, and how to know that you've truely forgiven and not just glossed over. I heard somewhere that forgiveness is treating a person as if 'that thing that caused hurt' never happened. I wish I could remember where i head it, because that has been one of the things that has helped me the most. Many times I've had to go to a person and apologize, or apologize to God frist and ask for the wrods to talk to the person.
And one of my pator's in cali talked about forgiveness being a process - which has also helped me. To realize taht some hurt/sin is so painful and deep that it will come up time and time again. To recognize that, and to continually forgive.
What's hard for me is that I equate forgiveness with friendship. So, if I forgive someone, or some forgives me, I still expect to be friends but I'm coming to realize that it might not always be the case. I think there are some people that I need to forgive, and also distance myself from; and I think that forgiveness will be shown by me not putting that person down, slandering their name, or talking behind their back.
That's what I think of when i think of forgiveness
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