The book of Jeremiah is my favorite book in the Bible. I think the main reason for this is how easily it is for me to connect and relate to Jeremiah. He comes across as someone who experience great triumph, great sorrow and even a crisis of faith. Through all of this though God never leaves Him and uses Him to preach His truth.
I cannot imagine what it was like for Him to hear from God about the destruction of the people around Him. He understood why (the people had forsaken God, 9:13) but I am sure he had friends whom he believed would die. Beyond those friends though I think He felt a sense of shame because how his family was acting and what they were doing. It must have been a great struggle for him. On the other hand, He was faithful to God and He trusted in God's sovereignty. He trusted in the fact that what God was doing was right, no matter what it seemed like to him. He did have to like it or even agree with it.
The same is true for us today. We may not always like or even agree with what God is doing in our lives and the lives of others but in the end we must accept His providence. In this acceptance though we can not allow ourselves to somehow become bitter. We must always remember that God does things that will be for the good of those who trust in Him. We may not always see the good that comes from something but that does not mean that it is not there. There are a lot of things in this world that we do not see and we believe they are there, mostly because someone with authority has told us that they are there. The same is true here. God has said that there are good reasons and so they must be there even though you and I do not see them.
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9 years ago
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