If you have ever been in charge of little people then you have probably experienced the following situation...
You come up with a special prize, snack, dinner or soemthing for them to do. You tell them they have a surprise coming if they will act right. They do not act right. You tell them they are not going to act right. They burst into tears and basically beg to change your mind. Part of you wants to give them another chance, even though you gave them bunches of chances before taking it away. You also know that if you go back on your word then it will be less likely they will take your "threats" seriously the next time. You heart is pulling you in one direction but your mind is pulling you in another.
Have you ever been in that place? If so how did you handle it? Did you still give them the special treat? Have you sometimes given the treat but not others? I know I have done both. There are some times I have been too much of a sap and pushover and gave in to them. Other times I have been able to stand my ground. I think we see a similar situation played out in Jeremiah 14.
What we see in this chapter is a severe drought. The people are shown to be crying out for help and acknowledging their sins. They also acknowledge God and His power to control the rain. Yet the drought continues. God's response to them is that there is a price that must be paid for their sins. I can only begin to imagine what it was like for God. On the one hand He loves His chosen people and desires to bless them yet there are consequences that must enacted for their sins.
In the end it seems to me that there is this interesting balance between mercy, grace and punishment. Only God fully understand how it all works out but we must trust that it will because He is the one in control of it all.
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9 years ago
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