Before reading this post you need to go and read Jeremiah 13. I have some links to help you out with this.
Now that you have done that...
Can you imagine what Jeremiah was thinking as God was telling him to but the linen. God was only telling him one step at a time. I can just imagine Jeremiah trying to figure out why God was asking him to do these things. There is even a part of me that can see him saying to himself, "this seems kinda of strange but if God says to do it then I guess I will" (of course he would have said it in Hebrew).
Have you ever been in that kind of place? Have you ever been going down a path that seems strange and odd yet you know that God has orchestrated each step and has guided you through it all. As I look at this story I realize two things. First, God does not always give us the whole picture. There are times when He simply tells us the next step without telling us the end goal. He just wants us to follow Him no matter what. This is what Jeremiah did. He did not know exactly what God was doing but he still followed the voice of God. Second, Jeremiah had some incredible faith to keep following that path. I think I would have had a hard time continuing in the same manner that Jeremiah did. I want to be able to see the finish line. In this case that was not the best plan. God knew that it would be better for Jeremiah to do it this way.
If you are in one of those places where You have been following God and hearing His voice and yet many of the steps He has taken you through do not make sense, then take courage. I believe in the end the dots will all connect for you just like they did for Jeremiah. Keep listening to God voice and He will take care of everything.
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9 years ago
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