So here is the question I would like for you to ponder for just a moment. What has happened to the yolk that burdens you so much?
Many of you may have said or at least thought that I have at least tried to give it over to Jesus and let Him carry it for me. Some of you may have thought that it is right on my back and weighing me down. Some of you may have no idea what I am talking about.
Each of us has burdens that we carry around with us. We can become so weighed down with things such as guilt, fear, laziness and pain. These attitudes and feelings are a natural part of living in a fallen world. They come as a result of sin and how it has changed the perfect world God created. Thankfully though we do not have to live under the weight of these things. Many believers have this picture in their minds of Christ exchanging yokes with us and carrying our burdens for us. We get this picture from verses such as Matthew 11:29-30 and Galatians 5:1. However, I think this picture is only half right.
Jesus did NOT come to take our yokes and carry them for us while we carry His. He came to shatter them (Isaiah 9:4). He came so that they would exist no more for us. He destroyed their power when He was beaten, bruised and nailed to a Cross. I believe that if we can grab a hold of this concept and live as though we are no longer controlled by the power of our yokes then the world will once again be turned upside down. I believe this is what we saw happening in the early days of the church. Those early believers knew in the hearts that they had been set free. They were no able to become the creation God had intended them to be.
So what burdens do you hold on to? What yokes are you allowing to hinder you?
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9 years ago
Probably worries. It's hard for me to just let God deal with it because sometimes he just feels like the air around me...present, but not powerful enough.
but i need rest for my soul.
I know what you mean about wondering how powerful He can seem. Yet I think through all of the Biblical stories and those times in my life where I can see His power.
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