Light and Dark-I Peter 2:9

Have you ever been caving? If you have then you have a pretty good idea what it means to be in total darkness. I remember on one of my many caving trips we all stopped for a rest and some food. As we all finished our food we decided to conserve battery life by having everyone turn off their lights. It was amazing! I literally could not see my hand when it was just inches from my face. I was in total darkness. If I had tried to get up and move around I would run into walls and possibly fallen into some deep crevice. Thankfully this darkness did not last forever. Eventually we all started turning our lights back on and we continued our journey. Our spiritual journey is not much different than this.

1 Peter 2:9 tells us that Jesus has brought the believer our of darkness and into His wonderful light. The word used for darkness implies the idea of blindness or total darkness. We are all understand, at some level, this kind of darkness. Maybe you have been in a cave with the lights out or maybe you have been in a dark room and simply closed your eyes. However, we can not understand the light that Peter speaks of. The word used for wonderful means beyond human comprehension. The light Christ brings the believer is unimaginable.

I think believers forget how far Christ has brought us and where He wants to takes. We do not take the time to understand the kind of darkness we lived in. Many of us look at our life without Christ with a sort of rose colored glasses. We fail to see how personally destructive we were or how cruel we really were towards our friends and family. I challenge believers to examine this darkness, take the time to reflect on where Christ has brought you from and where He is taking you.

Maybe you are someone who is living in that darkness now. If you are there is s good chance you do not realize it, I know for years I never did. If you are please know that Christ desires to see you walk away from it and into the abundant life. He wants the absolute best for you.


Anonymous said...

I love caving. I got my butt all dirty. :) Not a fan of the dark though.

Well, I've been a believer for ever.. so I don't really remember a time before "the light". .. but I've had my "dark" moments, which, let me tell you, suck. But I guess it's not even that dark compared to being lost.

But, I can remember moments in my life when I fell on my knees [literally] before the light. God is amazing. :)

Just my thoughts.
As for the post. amazing.
