Have you ever considered the difference between arrogance and confidence? If you truly examine this two ideas you will begin to realize that it is small line that divides the two. I think the difference in the two can be found in the attitude behind each one. If a person is confident then they know what they believe, are at peace with this knowledge, and have no issue sharing what they know with others yet they do not exalt themselves because of what they know. If a person is arrogant then hey know what they believe, are at peace with this knowledge, have no issue sharing what they know with others and they do exalt themselves with pride based on what they know. Unfortunately, I believe that too often in the church we perceive someone as being arrogant when they are in all reality confident about what they believe and understand.
We are called to confident in the truth that we have found. Paul alludes to this calling in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4. Paul encourages the believers in Thessolonica to essentially be confident in what they have heard from him and to not allow words and letters from men to deceive them. I believe the same must be true for us. We must seek to be confident in what we believe while always avoiding arrogance. We are only able to accomplish this task if we are willing to seek the wisdom of God. If our confidence rest in Him then He has promised to send His peace which will guard our hearts. If we rest in Him He will show us when we are wrong and He will be the one who provides the new understandings and insight that we need when we are wrong.
Just remember "It's not about me. It's all about Him, all of the time!"
Sermons on Youtube
9 years ago
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