
Conflict in the church is one of the most difficult issues leaders deal with. It is something that many still think we should never have and while others simply want to sweep it under the rug and forget about it and just move on. Neither of these choices are correct and neither is any choice in which we simply ignore the issues and do not handle them in a biblical manner. Exactly how that plays out in each conflict may be different and that is wonderful so long as every attempt is made to handle ourselves in a biblical manner. This is easier said than done.

When we are in the midst of the struggle it is easy for us to get consumed by it. I believe this is what happened to many people in the church at Philippi. Paul writes to them about their conflict in Philippians 3 and 4. He essentially tells them two key things about how they were to conduct themselves during that time. First, they needed to be patient and prayerful (4:6-7). They needed to understand that God will work it out and if they are patient and wait on Him then His peace will guard their hearts and minds. Second, he warned them against dwelling on the negative issues at hand (4:8). In fact, he instructs them to do the opposite. They were commanded to dwell and think on the wonderful, honorable and great things in life. He was trying to get them to see that God was still working in spite of the conflict.

We would do well to learn these same lessons and heed Paul's teachings. No matter what may be going on around you God is still working, moving and doing some mighty things. They very fact that you have breath is a miracle of God. In recent weeks I have become guilty of allowing conflict to consume too much of my time and life. God has convicted and forgiven me of this. I would pray that you would ask God to search your heart and show you what you need to change to grow closer to Him.