Even Jesus Had Alone Time

Do you ever feel this need to be alone? Are you ever just tired of interacting with people? Have you ever felt guilty about this or thought you had some psychological disorder because of it?

You are wired for alone time. Some of us are need more of it than others but I believe all of us it need it. Christ Himself would withdraw from crowds. Some time he did this to pray and other time I believe He did to simply take a break. God took a rest from the creative act on the 7th day. Why should we believe that we are any different. I believe one of the benefits of the Sabbath was to give humans a break from their regular routine. It was a day to be kept holy and set aside and in so doing we would receive rest.

Taking the time to rest can be hard for many of us. This is especially true when we are in ministry or have a huge servant's heart. We look around us and see so many hurting people and our heart breaks. We are willing to sacrificial love them no matter who they are or what they do. To a point this is a wonderful way to live. Yet there must be a balance. We must take the time to be with our families, friends and just ourselves (either in specific fellowship with God or just vegging out and relaxing).

When was the last time you took a break? Has it been awhile? If it has you take one. Some of you may not think that you have the time but I am willing to bet that you do if you are willing to rearrange some of your priorities and realize that if you do not take a break soon you will crash and burn.