Follow Him or Do Not-Your Choice

Each of us has a choice to either follow God and His word or to not. Israel and Judah had the same choice. For the most part Judah chose His plans while Israel did not. The end result was a great period of independence and safety for Judah. The contrast between the two is most clearly seen in 2 Kings 17-19. In these chapters we read about why Israel was captured and sent in to exile. We also read about God delivered Judah from Assyria. King Hezekiah was a man who did right in the sight of the Lord. He asked God to deliver His people and God did.

Some choices are far more important than others. What to have to drink at lunch or diner is a fairly minor choice. There are other choices in life that are not so minor. Your decision to follow God or not will not only have an impact here on Earth but it will have an impact on Eternity. It will also not only impact your eternity but it could impact countless others' forevers. So which do you chose today? Do you chose Him? Or do you simply reject Him?

There is no middle ground in this choice. You either follow or you don't. It is that simple. I pray that today You make the right choice.