God's Renovation Project

Have you ever had the chance to help with a renovation project? Maybe helped someone with that special fixer upper of a home? I have and it amazes me how just a little bit of time and TLC can change a dump of a house into something beautiful. I find myself fascinated with these kinds of projects because you never fully get rid of the old house yet you have new house at the same time.

God's work in our life follows the same kind of pattern. You see God never fully eliminates all of your past. Yes, He heals us and fixes our brokenness but He uses our past to mold us into the person we are today. Therefore, we should no longer be ashamed of our past. It is what it is and we can not change that. Personally, there are things in my past that I am not proud of yet I am no longer ashamed of them.

Remember my friends, the new self of the believer "is being renewed into a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created Him" (Colossians 3:10) .

So how is God renovating or renewing you today? What things in your past do you no longer need to be ashamed of?