
They say patience is a virtue. I would say that patience is a miracle of God.

One of the greatest struggles in my life has been waiting on things and making sure that I do things in the right order and the right way. I have a tendency to want the gratification now and I do not want to wait for it to come in he future. There seems to be this consistent voice that says "get it now because it may not be there in the future and you will  miss out if you wait." What this voice fails to tell me is the loss of what might have been if I had waited or what I am losing out on now by not waiting. You see there are consequences for each choice that we make and when we opt for the instant gratification over patience then many times we are replacing God's plan for blessing with a plan that leads to pain and destruction. 

One of the greatest examples of this is Abraham. God had promised him a huge family of descendants yet he was without a child and instead of waiting for God to fulfill His promise he decided to take matters in to his  own hands. One of the consequences  of this choice has been centuries of fighting and the deaths of 1000's as the two lines of Abraham have continued to fight with a hatred that is beyond conpare. 

I do not know how you struggle with being patient  but I know that do all of the time. I struggle with being patient with my children. I struggle with being patient with the people around me. It is my prayer and hope that I will continue to get closer to having the eyes of God that sees the bigger picture and because of that I will be better able to live both in this moment and in the ones to come.