Oh the places we will go

A little more than 5 years ago I wrote my first blog post. Little did I know at that time how true my words would become in my life. The twists life has taken over these past years has been nothing short of crazy. My family has walked thru  the great depths of despair and pain and yet we have also experienced joy that is beyond description. Tonight as I write this my mind is flooded with so many memories both good and bad. I would love to be able to say that through it all my faith has never waivered and that I have also sought comfort and peace from my God. The truth is that I have not. I wish I could say that I always looked at that light at the end of the tunnel and believed it to be Jesus and not a train. The truth is that that is not who I have been or who I am. It is however who I want to become.

I want to become a man who always seeks comfort and peace from my God. I want to be that many who consistently lives out those things that he believes. The question for me is how do I get there. How do I move from this place of inconsistency and doubt? How do block out all of the noise that surrounds me? Where do I go from here?