One of those days

Today was just one of those roller coaster days. First, I woke today with my little girl in a hospital bed. Abby has been battling pneumonia and other breathing issues this week and we finally had to take her in Friday. It was a tough call because we did not want her to have to go through all of the poking and prodding but in the end it was the right move. She is so much better because of the extra treatments and meds they were able to give her. Once we left there with her it was time for Aiden's soccer game. He seems to enjoy it so much but it can be stressful because he lives in his own bright and colorful world. If you have never been near his world then you may not realize that it does not always intersect with the one most of us live in most of the time. I absolutely love this part of him and I pray that at some level he never loses that world. This being said not everyone understands this and I fear he will be made fun of or looked down upon because of it. This fear has been some what realized on his soccer team and so games can be a little stressful for me.

From there it was some lunch and then off to work. Lately work has been relatively low on the stress range. The position I am in is low stress relative to other positions I have been in. Today though was not that way. I had to deal with some very upset customers one of whom ended up calling corporate about her issue and stated that I was unprofessional with her. Along with that I am training a new person, who is doing pretty good but he still has a lot to learn, and I had to finish a project that should have already been done. All in all it just was not a very good day and I left there frustrated, annoyed and mad.

I know we all have these kinds of days. The ones which are full of all kinds of emotions. Those days were we feel like so much is out of our control and we just want to take a quick time out to catch our breath. It is these days that I think truly define our character or at least show our true character. As I look back again over this day I can see the mistakes I made that made this day more difficult than it needed to be. I can also look back over the things that I did accomplish. I can see where I did make the right call and was able to do what I needed to do. I can look and see how God orchestrated moments for me to be able to interject Him and His word in to someone's life. It took me two episodes of 24 (time of relaxing) and some writing to help me begin to put my day in perspective.

May God always allow me the time and things I need to put these kinds of days in there proper place and their perspective.