I've been thinking...

As some of you know I truly love being in the city. There is so much life and energy all around and I long to be a part of its rhythm. A part of being in the city is mingling with those "less fortunate." Some people who interact with this group are disgusted and annoyed that they are around while others work hard to ignore them. Some people try to help while others condemn. Still others do not even care enough to notice.

I'm not sure how you react when you rub elbows with the lower end of the socioeconomic scale but I do know how God would want us to react. God looks at those in need with great compassion and love. He wants us to see them as individuals who could a touch of God's love.

Do you seem this way? Do imagine them as a child full of hopes and dreams? Do you see them as God's creation? Do you see them as worthy of love, your love?