The book Song of Solomon is no doubt a dialogue between two passionate lovers. It is arguable some of the most sexually suggestive language in the bible and as such many Christians have tried to make in to something less than what it is. Many have tried to downplay the language as not between two actual people but between God and His people. There is truth in this belief about this book but it is not the whole truth.
These passages of Scripture give us some of the most intense pictures of humanities capacity to love and be loved. It shows us the pain of separation and the joy of being found. Along with this I believe it begins to give us a clearer picture of God's love for us. From the whole of Scripture we can see how God desires to be in close relationship with us. We also see, particularly in the Old Testament, the pain God feels when we separate ourselves from Him. It is from this pain that we see some of the most graphic language of the bible. In fact, God many times describes the rebelious Israel as a whore and a harlot who has abondoned their first love (Isaiah1 and Isaaiah 57). This how God sees us when we walk away from Him and begin to follow after idols.
Imagine the pain you would feel if you spouse or lover cheated on you and did it on a regular basis. Would you remain with them? Would you still want to be in a relationship with them? Most of us coupld imagine that it is possible to deal with one instance if adultery but I would doubt that any of us could imagine still wanting to be with someone if they were constantly having affairs. Yet God looks past this and desires to be in right relationship with us. No matter how many times we abandon Him and cause Him intense pain. God wants to be in a close relationship with you today. So what are you doing today to make that happen?
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9 years ago
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