One of the greatest tragedies in the American church is how we have taken the fierceness out of Christ. Through our songs, sermons, and actions (or lack thereof) we have made Jesus out to simply be either a peaceful little lamb or a the loving shepherd who really never gets upset with things or his sheep (well some times we do mention that He will correct us but we also seem to make a point about how much He really does not like doing it). These things are true about Jesus but they are not a true representation of Him or who He is.
Most church going people know the story of how Jesus cleared out the temple. I think for most people, including myself until today, would really consider this to be the only time i which Jesus is known to have had any type of passionate anger. The fact is that it is not the only time. In Mark 3:5 the bible clearly states that Jesus got angry. The question for in this passage is why did He get angry. While this may not be the entire answer, I do think what angered Him was their unwillingness to accept the simple truths He was laying before them. I think along with this He was angered because those whom He was specifically addressing where the ones who should have been the most supportive of Him and leading people to Him. They were the ones who should have known the Scriptures well enough to have the faith to simply believe Him at His word. I think He was also angered because these religious leaders had lead His sheep away. They had failed to do that which God had placed them here on earth to do. In the end they had hardened the hearts of the people with their own hard hearts.
So what does this mean for me/us? I think it again places emphasis on the responsibility each Christian has to be faithful to that which God has called them. We each have tasks and things we must accomplish for God. He calls each of us to a time and place for a reason. So what is the reason He has called you to this time and place? Why is your schedule the way that it is? What people does God want to cross your path? Who has crossed your path recently that God wanted you to minister to share and/or share the Gospel with?
Something for you and I to think about today.
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9 years ago
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