Have you ever been in that place where you really wanted to be able to show someone that you love them but you just could not figure out the best way to do that?
I know I have been in that place many times. Usually when I started thinking like that my mind goes to thoughts about who that person is and what might appeal to them. This though is really the wrong approach. Our first approach really needs to be a focus on God and His commands (2 John 5,6). This does not mean and that we do consider who this person is and how they receive love but it does mean that we need to always make sure that our hearts are set towards God so that our love for Him and His love for us will overflow into our love for others.
Some may say that many people love with being saved and to a certain extent this is true. We are all create with a certain capacity to love and a desire to be loved. I believe this a reflection of being created in the image of God who is Love. In all reality though it is only when we are madly in love with our Savior that we can truly and fully love someone else.
Today hope you are able to truly love someone.
Sermons on Youtube
9 years ago
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