Many of us in the Christian and conservative communities have agonized over the moral decay that is seen around us. From this we look to the future with a sense of either dread or hopelessness. We think that the society in which we find our selves living in is one of the most immoral and degraded in history. This is especially true when we look at the sexual immorality that is all around us. The truth of the matter is that this society is not comparably worse than many of the generations that have preceded us.
I am not saying that there has not been so shifts in morality in this country over the last 50 years but I am not so sure our current situation is truly any worse than in times past. For example consider what God says to us about the societies of Egypt and Canaan at the time of the Exodus. God specifically tells His people that they are to avoid certain types of sexual relations (most dealing with incest) so that they are not like those societies around them. To me the fact that God specifically deals with the Israelites on this issue indicates how prevalent the problems were. In other words, incest must have been common in both Egypt and Canaan.
Believe it or not this level of sexual immorality gives me hope for our current society. We know that sense the time of the Exodus there have been many societies and time periods in which God's standards have been sought after by the vast majority of the people. It can happen again in this country and any other society for that matter. God never abandons people and He will always be there for us when we cry out to Him. As Christians if we can begin to move ourselves out of the pews and into the streets and start telling people about Him and His love then our society will begin to change.
Take heart my brothers and sisters for there is always hope with Christ! :)
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9 years ago
It's very interesting to think that morality has decreased in the last 50 years yet I do not believe it is as bad as it has been. It also reminds me of something I heard in a sermon today, the pastor said There is no news, just the same thing happening to different people.
You know, Patrick, I have actually reflected on this many times myself; however, I do tend to think that we are more enlightened than perhaps we were in the past and we know the standards by which we should be living. Perhaps the breakdown surely comes in this day and time from the breakdown of the family unit as a whole and the mass exposure to media that sanctions immorality and pooh poohs an orderly , loving atmosphere for children. I do know that in studying the ancient Romans nothing could have been much more decadent.
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