So I have been slowly reading my way through the book of Leviticus. I know for some of you this may sound as exciting as watching paint dry. In truth when I began this process I was no overly excited myself but I thought it might be a near adventure given how much my pastor, at the time, seemed to like what he had been learning from it. I have learned a lot from it and sadly I have not had the time to really share much of what I have learned with you my cyber friends and family. Today is a new day with a few extra minutes before work.
I was reading through chapter 16. In this chapter God essentially outlines for Aaron and the nation of Israel what is to happen on the Day of Atonement. In this chapter the people of Israel are command to humble themselves and rest of this most important of days. This day was intended to be a time when the people would reflect upon God's mercy and grace. This got me to thinking that maybe we should have our own personal days of atonement. For me I have determined that on my rebirthday (day I accepted Christ) that I will spend some, if not the whole, truly reflecting on God's saving work in my life. I am not sure this is something for everyone but it is something that I hope becomes a regular part of my spiritual development.
Disclaimer:I fully understand and acknowledge that as believers in Christ that He fulfills the law and that we are no longer bound by the laws and statues of the Old Testament.
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9 years ago
:) So I'm reading through the Bible and Leviticus is next.
Just a random thought that I thought I'd share.
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