Something to Pass Along

A college student here at WIU wrote this and I thought I would pass it along.

Spreading God's word is a wonderful thing to do...yet words exchanged can only go so far. So instead, share scripture as you embrace Christ’s love and humility and help one another to open yourselves like an empty vessel waiting upon the Lord to come fill you up. Be an instrument for God that always makes noise and shouts the praises of the Lord’s good name. Be kind to one another and do good deeds. Do not be afraid to be different, nor should you be afraid of what others will think. Take comfort and pride that the good Lord above has called you to attention. Take the duties the Lord commands you seriously and never rest or give up on one another until HIS glory is revealed and even then persevere all the days of your life. Live as a wide eyed child, careful of what you see, hear and do but take chances and risks shouting the praises of the Lord without fear of getting hurt. If you do feel any pain from this… know that you can lean upon the lord and he will sustain you. The world will hate you because we are not of this world. Take great satisfaction in this, because f we fail to do the job we are called to do we are hurting ourselves and most importantly we are disappointing and shaming God. Doing the right thing even when it hurts so badly and it might just turn out that this is the thing that leads you to happiness. Often times people feel that they need some person in their life to fill a void that seems to be aching in their heart. Let Jesus Christ come into your soul, fill this void and let his love overflow and pump through your veins and then take this great love that so joyfully circulates your body and let it spill unto those around you. Let God use you as a magnet to draw the lost and wandering souls closer to him. Study and heed the word of the Lord so once the called are drawn to you, the Lord can yet again use you to further his relationship with them. Always stay humble and know that you are going to be used so often and you will probably never know the ways in which you are going to be used so live an honest, peaceful existence so when the last comes round, and you stand in judgment before the thrown of God, you can honestly say that you lived a life worthy of the Lord and that you sought out Jesus Christ, developed a close interpersonal relationship with him and that you know first hand that”…he is the way, the truth and the life!”

I pray that God Blesses and touches the hearts of all who read this and I pray you all be encouraged. If you are reading this but the two of us are not well acquainted but you would like to hear more about the LOVE of Christ or would like to pray or talk about really anything, I come to you as a loving brother in Christ and I am here for you. If there is something I have said and you feel that I am not seeing something clearly please feel free to let me know:).

May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all!