God's Calling-Jeremiah 1:1-10

Jeremiah is one of my favorite historical figures because we know he struggled with many of the same issues that I have dealt with in my own life. He like Moses before questioned God's decision to chose him. In Jeremiah's case he basically says to God that I am to young. God's response is to basically say that no you are not too young and you will do My will and go where I tell you to go. He goes on to tell Jeremiah that He is to have no fear when he goes out to speak to the nations.

Those word should still ring true to us today. God has not given us a spirit of fear but a spirit of power and courage. God has called each of us to go out and speak the truth to the nations. God has touched our lips and He will provide all that we need as we follow after Him with the passion and strength He gives us.