God's Anger and Grace

Have you ever considered how fierce God's Anger can be?

In Jeremiah chapter 4 we get at least a glimpse of what God's anger can be like. The picture that is given to us in this chapter is an anger that is like a consuming fire. This consuming fire is not consuming Him (like our anger typically does) but it will consume the nation of Judah. There is no stopping this kind of judgment except for total repentance. God was using Jeremiah to warn His people that their judgment was coming. God makes it clear that their destruction was of their own doing. It was their unrighteousness and idolatry that has brought God's wrath upon them. This prophecy begs the question of 'Does God's anger still burn against His people when they turn from Him?'

The simple answer to this question is yes. God does not change. It is foolish and arrogant of us to think that nothing bad will happen to us if we turn from God. I know I have seen this in my own life. In fact, early on in my life with God had to remove certain people from my life so that I could I begin to focus my attention on Him and not some girl. This was a difficult process but it is one that I had to go through if I was truly going to be a changed man. This does not mean that every time we disobey that God will look to strike us down. God's grace and mercy allows us the time to repent and begin anew our walk with Him.

I hope that the message of Jeremiah will serve as a warning to us today. We must wash our hearts of the evil that so easily entangles us.