
Many of you know that I have been running off and on for years. Most of the time I start up again because I know that I need to get in shape and for me this is one of the best ways to it because I have clearly definable and attainable goals (distance and speed). This time around has been different because I have acquired a small running partner. Aiden asked a number of months ago if hew could start running with me. I was skeptical at first but who am I to tell him no if he wants to get in shape and be active. So I started doing some research about 7 year olds running 5Ks and how best to keep them safe and healthy during the training process. Along the way we picked up some nice Nike running shoes (Thanks Mimi!) and some really cool memories.

The goal for us was to be ready for the Corn Boil 5K. I had been planning on running this race myself and when we set the goal it gave us plenty of time to get him ready. Over the months of training we started out by following the C25K plan until we got to a point that was really more than he could handle and then we started our own plan. With each run he continued to show me that he really wanted to do this so much so that if we had not been running for a few days he would begin asking about when we were going to run again. Before we knew it was race week and I realized that we had only run 3 miles one time and so I knew that we needed to run that distance at least once more before the race to give me a better idea of where he was in his training (and to be able to give Angie an idea of when we would be finishing). So off we went! As we are completing our first lap around the course Aiden says that he is tired and wants to stop. I am thinking "Really!!! We are 2 days out from the race and he wants to stop after 1.5 miles!! No way!" Eventually I would get him to run about 1.75 miles before we finished for the day. I was saddened that we had done all of this work for so long he did not seem like he was ready. I was frustrated with myself that I had failed him and that he was not going to have a good race because I had not done what I needed to do for him to be ready. However, there was nothing I could do now, we would just have to line up, run and see what happens.

The morning of the race, Aiden was beyond excited! I have never seen a 7 year old so excited to get up so early! After registering and looking through our goodie bag we started our routine. We stretched and did some light jogging to get all warmed up. We talked about doing our best and that he probably would not win the race this year. As the race started I had to keep my little rabbit from starting too fast as he was just a little on the excited side! As we made the first turn I was fully expecting Aiden to slow down and need/want to walk but he didn't he just kept running. This pattern would continue through out most of the race. We did stop a couple of time but not for very long. As we were approaching the last half mile he was beginning to reach his limit and he just wanted to walk. I knew he had done such an amazing job and I knew he could keep it up if I could find the right motivation and find it I did. I told him that if he kept walking then his friend Tommy was going to pass him and beat him. That was more than enough motivation for him to not only finish the last half mile but to pick up his pace a little bit.

Overall Aiden finished in 35:23 (11:25/mile) which was 5th in his age group. In all reality he did even better than 5th because the top 3 boys in his age group were all 10+ so in then under 10 age group he was 2nd and only about 1 minuter behind 1st. And for the record he beat Tommy by about 40 seconds!

Since the race Aiden and I have continued to run we hope to compete in another race together some time this fall. During these runs I find myself being the motivator to just keep running, running, running (think Dori in Finding Nemo). The other day during our run Aiden reminded me of something I told him a long time ago during our runs. When we run it isn't just the two of us it is the three of us,God is always with us when we run and that when we find it hard to keep going we can all on Him to help us. He reminded me once again of Matthew 21:16 "Do you hear what these children are saying?" they asked him. "Yes," replied Jesus, "have you never read, "'From the lips of children and infants you, Lord, have called forth your praise?"

This time I have been able to spending running with Aiden has been amazing. I have no idea how long it will last but I am determined to enjoy it as long as possible. 

Thanks to the The Daily Herald for taking this awesome picture! See the original and article here.