It is finished!

As I began this post I immediately thought of the great Petra song "It is finished!" Though the song itself has little to do with the post I thought I would share the song with everyone. Don't let the hair and clothes scare you off :)

Now on to the real reason for this post. I wanted to let everyone know that we have an edited version of our prospectus for The Journey. We would love for everyone to take a look at and let us know what you think. We would also love it if each of you would pass it along to others who may be interested in partnering with us. Please prayerfully consider how you may be able to partner with us as well.

The Journey Prospectus.


Denise said...

I love it! I like the lay out and everything! I am so very excited for you guys as you being The Journey!! I'm just so blessed to know ya'll!!