I know many of you have heard me talk about how God has created each one of us for specific tasks and jobs. Many of you have also heard me speak on how with Christ all of our good works are like filthy rags (menstrual rags). So my thoughts for today may seem redundant but I wanted to share with you what I have been pondering on.
Many years ago while on a mission trip I got in "trouble" for not being at my assigned position to help with our VBS. The reason I was not there is that I was in midst of what I believed to be a rather important conversation with another missionary. To this day I stand by my original assertion that I was were I needed to be and that things went on just fine without me at the VBS. This incident though has stuck with me because of the implications it has for me living in a society that revolves so much around schedules and timing. As I have thought through this incident and others like it I have come to the understanding that God's timing and schedule. I know we have heard this a lot in church but I am not so sure we fully grasp the depth of this statement.
We typically understand this thought when it refers to our desires and prayer request. God's timing in our life goes so much deeper than this. God's plans for us deal with every moment that we are here on this earth. He has something for us to be doing every moment and He is actively involved in our lives all of the time. This means that we must be constantly seeking out those things which He would have us to do. It is only when we are vigilant for His plans that we are able to truly accomplish those good works that He has laid out for us.
So today my friends I would encourage you to be in a constant state of seeking God's plan for you. You never know what His plans are for you each day and you never know how He may use you to change someone's life.
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9 years ago
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