Do you have a passion in your life? What are some the things that you really enjoy doing? Is there that one thing you would even if you did not get paid for it?
For many years that one thing has been working with college students. I love doing it. It is one of those things that just gets my energy going no matter how physically sleepy or tired I may be. It is a passion that only god could have created within me. I am thankful for this desire. I think could relate to this kind of deep passion for a particular people group. For Paul I believe it was the Gentiles. Paul's love and compassion for the Gentiles was so deep that he was willing to suffer for them and their salvation.
I hope that today you will be able to do whatever it is that God has placed on your heart. If you do not then take courage in the fact that God has specific plans for this day. Plans that He knew and formed together long before you were even a thought in your parents minds. There is a reason for everything that God does and He will fulfill every promise He makes to you and I.
So no matter what your day holds I would encourage You to seek out God's plan for this day and then turn your actions and thoughts towards that plan.
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9 years ago